Stacks core-commons module

Module Overview

This module provides common code used by more than one of the Stacks modules: Both Events and CQRS Commands use the OperationsContext abstract class and StacksPersistence provides a basic CRUD repository interface used in persistence related modules likeStacks Cosmos. Please refer to these modules as examples.

Module Structure

In the following diagram, you can see all the relevant files of this module. Be aware, pulling from the repository will have some extra files that are not relevant to the logic but required to build and deploy.

Project structure

: \_main
:   \_java
:    \_com.ensono.stacks.core
:     \_operations
:      |
:     \_repository
:      |

How to use

Use it as a dependency.

Use it as a dependency


In the dependencies section of your application's pom.xml add:


NOTE: You should check to see the latest version and use that.

Then you can do a ./mvnw clean compile to fetch it; after that, you can use it like any other dependency.

./mvnw clean compile


Use it as you'd use any dependency in your build tool.

Building the module locally from this repository

To build the module locally:

  1. Clone this repo
  2. Navigate to the java folder
  3. run ./mvnw clean install to install the module locally.
  4. Add it as any other dependency