
EDB Reference Architectures


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EDB Reference Architectures


This repository contains reference architectures and supporting materials and code for the deployment of EDB Postgres Advanced Server, PostgreSQL and related tools for high availability, monitoring, and management.

Selecting an Architecture

The reference architectures offered are split into the core database server and a number of optional add ons.

Each database server architecture is designed to meet different needs and requirements, offering a range of scalability and availability and redundancy options offering different levels of:

Select and implement the most appropriate reference architecture to meet your needs, and then implement one or more of the Add On options to provide the additional functionality you require.

Database Clusters

Architecture Redundancy Automatic Failover Multi node commit Recommended Use
Single Node No No No Development/testing
Multi Node Async Yes Yes No Production, with transaction loss acceptable
Multi Node Sync Yes Yes Yes Production, with no transaction loss acceptable

Add Ons

Poolers and Query Routers

Add On Load balancing Query Routing
pgBouncer Yes No
pgPool Yes Yes


Improvements and Issues

If you want to suggest any improvements or report any problems you may have found, please create a Pull Request or log an Issue.


The contents of this repository are licensed under the PostgreSQL License.