
Simple React form validation package.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Enterwell's React form validation

Keeps and validates your form's data. Doesn't mess with your components. Simple and straight to the point.

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  • Keeps form's state and validation results
  • Supports any kind of validation functions
  • Dirty checking
  • Separates data from view
  • Relies on hooks, but can easily be used with class components


Package can be installed with one of the following commands (depending on whether you prefer npm, yarn or pnpm)

npm install @enterwell/react-form-validation
yarn add @enterwell/react-form-validation
pnpm add @enterwell/react-form-validation


Two quick steps to validate any kind of input.

Email input example

Step 1:

  • Define custom validation (or use some of predefined) and use it to initialize validation hook
import { isValidEmail, useValidation } from '@enterwell/react-form-validation';

const email = useValidation('matej.radovix@enterwell.net', isValidEmail);

Step 2:

  • Pass the email data to your input
        className={email.error ? 'error' : 'no-error'}
        {...email.props} // This is shorthand for passing the `value`, `onChange` and `onBlur` properties
    {email.error && (
        <span className="error-message">Incorrect email!</span>

And thats all!


useValidation(initialValue, validationFn, config?)

Hook that keeps on form field's data.


Name Type
Required Description
initialValue any yes Field's initial value
validationFn (any) => boolean or Promise<boolean> yes Function for validating the field's value
config {
   receiveEvent?: boolean,
   reversed?: boolean
   ignoreDirtiness?: boolean
no Additional hook configuration.

  • receiveEvent inidicates whether onChange callback will receive whole event or just target's value
  • reversed indicates whether reversed error logic should be applied (error being false when present, instead of true)
  • ignoreDirtiness indicating whether field's dirtiness should be ignored (by default, field is validate on blur, but only if field is dirty ie. if its value has been changed)


   value: any,
   error: boolean
   onChange: (any, config?) => void
   onBlur: (event, config?) => void
   setValue: (value: any) => void
   validate: (any, config?) => boolean or Promise<boolean>
   reset: () => void,
   props: {
      value: any,
      onChange: (any, config?) => void
      onBlur: (event, config?) => void
Object with field's data and callbacks.

  • value - field's current value
  • error - is error present flag (true if value was validated and didn't pass validation, false otherwise)
  • onChange - callback for change event (changes the value and validates it if previous value wasn't correct)
  • onBlur - callback for blur event (validates the value)
  • setValue - function for setting the internal value (does not validate the input, enabling support for async data loading)
  • validate - function for validating field's value
  • reset - function for resetting field's data
  • props - set of props that can be spread on standard input elements (same as props in root object, just grouped for better DX)

onChange, onBlur and validate functions accept config as last parameter - this will override config from useValidation if provided.

Usage example

import { useValidation, isNonEmptyString } from '@enterwell/react-form-validation';

/* Some code... */

const userFormData = {
    name: useValidation(name, isNonEmptyString),
    age: useValidation(age, () => true)
console.log(userFormData.name) // {value: "Matej", error: false, onChange: ƒ, onBlur: ƒ, validate: ƒ, reset: f}"


Util function for extracting values from fields' data objects.


Name Type
Required Description
fields {
  key: { value: any },
yes Form field's data (each field must have value property - other properties are not important)


Object Object with fields' names as keys, and their values as values

Usage example

import { ..., extractValues } from '@enterwell/react-form-validation';

/* useValidation example's code... */

const data = extractValues(userFormData);
//    ^ { name: "Matej", age: 10 }

setValues(fields, values)

Util function for setting field's values from provided data objects.


Name Type
Required Description
fields {
  key: { value: any },
yes Form field's data.
values {
  key: any,
yes Form field's values to be set to fields.

Usage example

import { ..., setValues } from '@enterwell/react-form-validation';

const formData = {
    name: useValidation('', isNonEmptyString)

const item = useItem();
useEffect(() => {
    if (item) {
        setValues(formData, {
            name: item.name
}, [item]);


Util function for validating values of all fields


Name Type
Required Description
fields {
  key: {
    value: any
    validate: (any) => boolean
yes Form field's data (each field must have value and validate properties - other properties are not important)


boolean or Promise<boolean> false if form data is correct, true otherwise. Promise with same result when at least one validation function resolved to Promise.

Usage example

import { ..., validateFields } from '@enterwell/react-form-validation';

/* useValidation example's code... */

const hasError = validateFields(userFormData);
console.log(hasError) // false


Util function for resetting all fields' data.


Name Type
Required Description
fields {
  key: { reset: () => void },
yes Form field's data (each field must have reset property - other properties are not important)

Usage example

import { ..., resetFields } from '@enterwell/react-form-validation';

/* useValidation example's code... */


submitForm(fields, onSubmit)

Util function for handling the form submit. Form's fields are first validated. If all values are correct, they are extracted to data object and passed to onSubmit callback. Returns value of onSubmit callback.


Name Type
Required Description
fields {
  key: {
    value: any
    validate: (any) => boolean
yes Form field's data (each field must have value and validate properties - other properties are not important)
onSubmit (any) => object or void yes On submit callback


object or Promise<object> or undefined Return value of onSubmit callback, wrapped in promise with same result when at least one validation function resolved to Promise. Returns undefined if validation fails or onSubmit is of return type void.

Usage example

import { ..., submitForm } from '@enterwell/react-form-validation';

/* useValidation example's code... */

const onSubmit = (data) => fetch("www.some-url.com/post", {
    method: 'POST',
    data: JSON.stringify(data)
submitForm(userFormData, onSubmit);

cancelForm(fields, onCancel)

Util function for handling the form cancel. Form's fields are reset and onCancel callback is called.


Name Type
Required Description
fields {
  key: { reset: () => void },
yes Form field's data (each field must have reset property - other properties are not important)
onCancel (any) => void yes On cancel callback

Usage example

import { ..., cancelForm } from '@enterwell/react-form-validation';

/* useValidation example's code... */

const onCancel = (data) => alert("Form has been reset");
cancelForm(userFormData, onCancel);

Unless otherwise stated, each validation function will have the following #### Params and #### Returns.


Name Type
Required Description
value any no Form field's value


boolean true if field's value is correct, false otherwise


No error validation. Value of the field with this validation function will always be correct.

areEqual(value, other)

Are values equal validation. Value of the field with this validation function will be correct if it is equal to some other value (e.g. some other field's value).


Name Type
Required Description
value any no Form field's value
other any no Some other value


boolean true if field's value is correct, false otherwise


Is true validation. Value of the field with this validation function will be correct only if it is true.


Is not null validation. Value of the field with this validation function will be correct only if it is not null.


Is non-empty string validation. Value of the field with this validation function will be correct if it is not an empty string.


Is valid number validation. Value of the field with this validation function will be correct if it represents the valid number (as number or as string).


Is positive number validation. Value of the field with this validation function will be correct if it is the positive number.


Is negative number validation. Value of the field with this validation function will be correct if it is the negative number.


Is non-empty array validation. Value of the field with this validation function will be correct if it is the non-empty array.


Is valid email validation. Value od the field with this validation function will be correct if it is non-empty string with valid email address.


Is valid IP address validation. Value od the field with this validation function will be correct if it is a non-empty string with valid IPv4 or IPv6 address.

Future plans

We noticed that there are few things which could be added to our package in order to make it more flexible and easy to use. Here is what you can expect in the future:

  • additional config which will enable to change when value is validate (e.g. only in onChange, in onBlur but only if current value is not valid and so on)
  • more validation functions