
Collection of informational and troubleshooting reports for Hyper-V environments.

Primary LanguagePowerShell


This script is a collection of information reports about single node and clustered Hyper-V environments. It quickly provides insight into various aspects of the environment including:

  • Parsing the Hyper-V logs for a single node or across a cluster
  • N+1 Maintenance QC
  • Cluster Aware Update report
  • Clustered Shared Volume IO and utilization
  • Informational reports for VMs
  • Analyze local and clustered storage for anything taking up space that isn't needed

Getting Started

The Preferred method is to install directly from the PSGallery.

# Set your current PowerShell session to use TLS1.2. This is a requirement for the PSGallery.
[System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [System.Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12

# Install the HyperVReports module.
Install-Module -Name HyperVReports -Force -AllowClobber

# If it's already installed then you just need to update it.
Update-Module -Name HyperVReports -Force


Brings up menu to choose desired report.

                   Hyper-V Reports
[1]  Hyper-V Cluster Log Search
[2]  Maintenance QC
[3]  Cluster Aware Update History
[4]  Storage Reports
[5]  VM Reports
[6]  Storage Cleanup Analyzer
Menu Choice: 


Filter the Hyper-V Cluster logs by time range and error text.

           Clustered Hyper-V Eventlog Search
[1]  Search last 24 hours
[2]  Search last 48 hours
[3]  Search last 7 days
[4]  Specify date range to search
Please select menu number: 1
                                               Clustered Hyper-V Eventlog Search
Search results for: RDP


TimeCreated  : 4/14/2019 7:55:18 AM
ProviderName : Microsoft-Windows-Hyper-V-Worker
Message      : 'ET-RDP-01' was reset by the guest operating system. (Virtual machine ID 7D563560-D084-404F-9409-6D7D053CFEB3)

TimeCreated  : 4/14/2019 7:55:38 AM
ProviderName : Microsoft-Windows-Hyper-V-Chipset
Message      : 'ET-RDP-01' successfully booted an operating system. (Virtual machine ID 7D563560-D084-404F-9409-6D7D053CFEB3)


TimeCreated  : 4/14/2019 7:55:18 AM
ProviderName : Microsoft-Windows-Hyper-V-Worker
Message      : 'ET-RDP-01' was reset by the guest operating system. (Virtual machine ID 7D563560-D084-404F-9409-6D7D053CFEB3)

TimeCreated  : 4/14/2019 7:55:38 AM
ProviderName : Microsoft-Windows-Hyper-V-Chipset
Message      : 'ET-RDP-01' successfully booted an operating system. (Virtual machine ID 7D563560-D084-404F-9409-6D7D053CFEB3)


Verifies that the cluster can sustain a single node failure and that all VMs are clustered.

         EntropicClus has 4 nodes.
  1024 GB - Physical memory of cluster.
  256 GB - Physical memory of each node.
  200 GB - Useable memory with 1 failure.
 Cluster would NOT survive single failure!
 More than 56 GB of memory needed to be HA.
          All VMs are clustered.


Shows report of dates CAU was performed and then pulls the CAU logs and hotfixes installed for selected date.

Dates CAU was performed:
Which date would you like the logs from: 03/24/2019

Collecting CAU logs and hotfix information...

CAU logs from 03/24/2019 for EntropicClus.

TimeCreated          Message                                                                                                                              
-----------          -------                                                                                                                              
3/24/2019 4:00:04 AM Starting CAU run {32FE9A85-A946-48AE-9E95-E33F8732807E} on cluster EntropicClus.                                                     
3/24/2019 4:00:19 AM Ignoring WUA warning The computer needs to be rebooted to complete past installation. The result of search may be incorrect. 0x240005
3/24/2019 4:00:19 AM Scan for updates succeeded. Found 2 updates                                                                                          
3/24/2019 4:00:26 AM Ignoring WUA warning The computer needs to be rebooted to complete past installation. The result of search may be incorrect. 0x240005
3/24/2019 4:22:41 AM Download for updates succeeded. Downloaded 2 updates                                                                                 
3/24/2019 4:23:35 AM Node ET-HV-01 entered node maintenance mode.                                                                                         
3/24/2019 4:24:07 AM Ignoring WUA warning The computer needs to be rebooted to complete past installation. The result of search may be incorrect. 0x240005
3/24/2019 5:16:09 AM Install for updates succeeded. Installed 2 updates                                                                                   
3/24/2019 5:16:10 AM Rebooting node ET-HV-01.                                                                                                             
3/24/2019 5:57:43 AM Node ET-HV-01 has rebooted successfully.                                                                                             
3/24/2019 5:58:05 AM Scan for updates succeeded. Found 1 updates                                                                                          
3/24/2019 5:58:46 AM Download for updates succeeded. Downloaded 1 updates                                                                                 
3/24/2019 5:58:58 AM Install for updates succeeded. Installed 1 updates                                                                                   
3/24/2019 5:59:03 AM Scan for updates succeeded. Found 0 updates                                                                                          
3/24/2019 5:59:03 AM Node ET-HV-01 exited node maintenance mode.                                                                                          
3/24/2019 5:59:11 AM Starting CAU run {32FE9A85-A946-48AE-9E95-E33F8732807E} on cluster EntropicClus.                                                     
3/24/2019 5:59:20 AM Scan for updates succeeded. Found 2 updates                                                                                          
3/24/2019 6:27:40 AM Download for updates succeeded. Downloaded 2 updates                                                                                 
3/24/2019 6:28:45 AM Node ET-HV-02 entered node maintenance mode.                                                                                           
3/24/2019 6:45:30 AM Install for updates succeeded. Installed 2 updates                                                                                   
3/24/2019 6:45:31 AM Rebooting node ET-HV-02.                                                                                                               
3/24/2019 6:52:59 AM Node ET-HV-02 has rebooted successfully.                                                                                               
3/24/2019 6:53:15 AM Node ET-HV-02 exited node maintenance mode.                                                                                            
3/24/2019 6:53:15 AM Scan for updates succeeded. Found 0 updates                                                                                          
3/24/2019 6:53:15 AM CAU run {32FE9A85-A946-48AE-9E95-E33F8732807E} on cluster EntropicClus completed successfully.                                       

Updates installed during this CAU run.

Source   Description HotFixID  InstalledBy         InstalledOn          
------   ----------- --------  -----------         -----------          
ET-HV-01 Update      KB4489889 NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM 3/24/2019 12:00:00 AM
ET-HV-02 Update      KB4489889 NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM 3/24/2019 12:00:00 AM


Pulls various reports for the Cluster Shared Volumes

               Hyper-V Storage Reports
[1]  Cluster Storage - Full report
[2]  Cluster Storage - Utilization
[3]  Cluster Storage - IO (2016/2019 Only)
[4]  Local Storage - Utilization
Menu Choice: 1

# Block ClusterPath               Used(GB) Size(GB) Free % IOPS Latency MB/s
- ----- -----------               -------- -------- ------ ---- ------- ----
1 65536 C:\ClusterStorage\Volume2      978     1000    2.2  929   11.89  5.7


Prints various reports for the VMs

                  Hyper-V VM Reports
[1]  VM vCPU and RAM
[2]  VM Networking
[3]  VM VHDX Size/Location/Type
[4]  VM VHDX IO/Latency (2016/2019 Only)
Menu Choice: 2

Gathering data from VMs... Please be patient.

Host     VMName              IPAddress     VLAN MAC          vSwitch
----     ------              ---------     ---- ---          -------
ET-HV-02 ET-7D2D-02     0 00155D026610 SETTeam
ET-HV-03 ET-ARK-02      0 00155D02660F SETTeam
ET-HV-03 ET-CA-01       0 00155D026612 SETTeam
ET-HV-01 ET-DC-02        0 00155D02660C SETTeam
ET-HV-01 ET-DEV-01     0 00155D026607 SETTeam
ET-HV-03 ET-RDP-01      0 00155D026613 SETTeam
ET-HV-03 ET-WAC-02      0 00155D026611 SETTeam
ET-HV-03 PBRM-RDP-03     0 00155D026615 SETTeam
ET-HV-02 PBRM-WAC-01     0 00155D026618 SETTeam
ET-HV-02 PLEX-01       0 00155D026614 SETTeam


Checks environment for things taking up space that might be able to be addressed to recover space.

Checking for Disk Shadows...
No Disk Shadows found.

Checking for VMs with their Automatic Stop Action set to Save...
No VMs with Save set as the Automatic Stop Action found.

Checking for Checkpoints...
ET-SVR-01 - 11/06/2018 20:03:19

Checking for AVHDXs...
ET-SVR-01 - C:\ClusterStorage\Volume2\VMs\516791-Helios\516791-HELIOS_94504D42-8991-4B10-B5C6-E99AC0E3EC0F.avhd

Checking for hrl files that are larger than 5GB...
All hrl files smaller than 5GBs.

Checking for hrl files that are older than a week...
All hrls are newer than a week.

Checking for VHDX.tmp files...
No VHDX.tmp files found.

Checking for VHDXs that are not in use...