
This repository is use to connect node and store and get values from and to DHT. For that you need to use below commands.

run the code using below command

cargo run --release

when app will run, you can use below command to connect the node, put/get data to dht.

  1. Add new Node

This command will use to join the node with current node with ip4 url like "/ip4/"

  1. Put value to DHT
PUT <Key> <Value>

This command will use to put value inside the DHT.

  1. Get value from DHT
GET <Key>

This command will use to put value inside the DHT.

While you are work over the network, not on local network

When you are on different machines, your tcp url will change something like

/ip4/<IP Address>/tcp/<Port>

IP Address:- You can get this IP using ifconfig command