Raspberry Pi Home Web Server Setup Script Set
- A couple of scripts for making a Raspberry Pi into a home web-page server.
- A simple Python app that allows the Pi to accept comm. from an Alex Echo. (works, but hacky)
To Use:
- Download Raspian Lite Image.
- Download Win32DiskImage tool.
- Modify setup_pi_part_1.bash variables with your new user name and ssh public key.
- Write Image to SD card.
- Copy blank file with name 'ssh' to SD card.
- Boot pi.
- SSH into pi using
- login id : 'pi'
- password : 'raspberry'
- Add modified setup_pi_part_1.bash script to pi user directory.
- Run script with 'sudo bash etup_pi_part_1.bash'
- Exit login with 'exit' command.
- Login with username modified above using ssh key.
- Run bash script to delete pi user.
- Add setup_pi_part_2.bash script to user directory.
- Run script.
- Served pages root is at : '/var/www/html/'
Because i can? No, really, because i've done this too many times and wanted to stream line it.
Spring 2017
Version : 0.0001 (Use at your own risk!)