
Source for an IETF Internet-Draft outlining the problem and potential solutions to multi-key post-quantum digital certificates

Primary LanguageMakefile

Problem statement for multi-key mechanisms in PKIX to address the Post-Quantum transition

Setting up a build environment

There may be a way to do this in cygwin, but I cut losses and did it in ubuntu:

$ sudo apt-get install ruby-full
$ sudo gem install kramdown-rfc2629
$ sudo apt-get install xml2rfc

Using the makefile

We have provided a makefile to build the draft in either pure TXT, or fancy HTML formats:

$ make txt
$ make html

The default target will build both:

$ make

Building the document from markdown

// to build straight to an RFC-style .txt:
$ kdrfc draft-ounsworth-pq-pkix-problem-statement.mkd

// to produce the intermediary .xml for use with other IETF tools:
$ kramdown-rfc2629 draft-ounsworth-pq-pkix-problem-statement.mkd > draft-ounsworth-pq-pkix-problem-statement.xml

// to produce HTML (which has links in the ToC!) use this:
$ xml2rfc draft-ounsworth-pq-pkix-problem-statement.xml --basename draft-ounsworth-pq-pkix-problem-statement --html

Editing Etiquette

When checking in changes to the document source (.mkd), please also check in the modified .txt for those who wish to review changes (diffs) in their browser.