
wasm 低层依赖包

Primary LanguageDart

pub package Build Status Coverage Status

Provides utilities for loading and running WASM modules.

Built on top of the Wasmer runtime.

Flutter and web are not supported at the moment. Stay tuned though ;)


Start by installing the tools needed to build the Wasmer runtime:

Basic Usage

As a simple example, we'll try to call a simple C function from Dart using package:wasm. For a more detailed example that uses WASI, check out the example directory.

  1. First create new Dart app folder: dart create wasmtest

  2. Add a dependency to package wasm in pubspec.yaml and run dart pub get

  3. Next run dart run wasm:setup to build the Wasmer runtime. This will take a few minutes.

  4. Then add a new file square.cc with the following contents:

    extern "C" int square(int n) { return n * n; }
  5. We can compile this C++ code to WASM using a recent version of the clang compiler:

    clang --target=wasm32 -nostdlib "-Wl,--export-all" "-Wl,--no-entry" -o square.wasm square.cc
  6. Replace the contents of your Dart program (bin/wasmtest.dart) with:

    import 'dart:io';
    import 'package:wasm/wasm.dart';
    void main() {
      final data = File('square.wasm').readAsBytesSync();
      final mod = WasmModule(data);
      final inst = mod.builder().build();
      final square = inst.lookupFunction('square');
  7. Run the Dart program: dart run. This should print:

    export memory: memory
    export function: int32 square(int32)