My first application with the 42 school API
We are going to use nodjs and express.
First step is install nodejs at the iMac machines at school:
brew install nodejs
While it's installing, we go ahead and create a github repository. Then we'll create a project with nodejs:
npm init
Choose all default options.
Then, install express framework:
npm install express --save
While all of this is installing, we are going to register the app at the 42 intra.
Being logged in at the 42 intra > user menu > settings > left panel API >
> Top right button "Register new App" > Fill the fields and give basic scope
(At the URI field I'm filling with the localhost port I'll use to do tests)
Next, we are going to create (touch)
an app.js file with your favourite IDE
and write a simple connection app:
const express = require("express");
const app = express();'/', function (req, res) {
res.send('[]Cheers from express');
app.get('/', function (req, res) {
res.send('[]Cheers from express');
app.listen(3000, () => {
console.log("Server is initialized at port 3000");
At the app.listen(3000, () => {console.log("Server is initialized at port 3000");
we can change the port number at which we want the app to "listen"
We can test our app running it at the console:
node app.js
Open a web browser and type:
We should be seeing the "[]Cheers from express" message.
Moving on to next step, we follow along the 42 api guide at: