Use ActiveRecord transactional callbacks outside of models, literally everywhere in your application.
- 4
- 1
Unexpected behaviour in ActiveJob callbacks
#32 opened by shahidkhaliq - 1
calling methods that trigger callbacks can cause `after_commit` callbacks to run multiple times
#29 opened by DeedleFake - 4
Add `perform_after_commit` to ActiveJob jobs?
#27 opened by sunny - 7
Many vulnerabilities with dependent gems
#26 opened by womblep - 13
Leaking database connection issue
#20 opened by Galathius - 3
- 3
Clarify its use within models
#16 opened by JasonBarnabe - 6
Needs extra caution when using within models
#13 opened by xTRiM - 2
Great gem, why not 1.0? :)
#11 opened by paneq - 6
- 4
before_commit example
#7 opened by sofianeOuafir - 4
Doesn't work with ActiveRecord 6
#5 opened by joevandyk - 3
Braking tests
#2 opened by axos88