
This is a demonstration for one of our application development tool, the mobile application framework.

Primary LanguageJava

Mobile Application Framework Demo

This demo is developed based on the mobile application framework. It integrates the EnOS Application Portal login function and demonstrates page redirection and data persistence functions. By using this framework, you can develop mobile applications with mainstream front-end technologies including JavaScript, CSS, and HTML.

The mobile application framework encapsulates the interaction between the native development system and JavaScript, and the parsing and redirection functions of the route. You can use the API provided by the framework for development. The native navigation bar provided by the framework enhances the user experience. Meanwhile, the framework can open local and online H5 pages without specific front-end technologies or code languages.

System Requirements

The framework supports iOS and Android systems:

  • iOS: Xcode 10.0 or later

  • Android: Android Studio (Gradle Plugin Version: 3.2.0, Gradle Version: 4.6)

Before You Start

Clone or download the demo project to local.

Step 1: Run the Demo

  • iOS: run the below application with Xcode:

  • Android:run the below application with Android Studio:


Where root-directory is the local root directory of the demo project.

Step 2: Embed the Web Code

  1. Put the web source code to the project.

    Place the web source code you need to embed in this directory: {root-directory}/webapp/{module-name} directory. Name the folder based on the module name, for example: /webapp/demo under envhybrid-demo.

    Note: To ensure the plugin can work correctly, you must import the envcontext.js and the cordova.js to each html page in the H5 module. The sample code is as follows:

    <script type="text/javascript" src="envcontext.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="cordova.js"></script> 
  2. Put the resource files that was completely built into the project.

    After the web code is built, it should be placed in the corresponding directory of the operating system (you can use the script on the web side to copy the code directly to the corresponding directory):

    • iOS: {root-directory}/platforms/ios/webapp/{module-name}

    • Android: {root-directory}/platforms/android/app/src/main/assets/webapp/{module-name}

    For example, /platforms/ios/webapp/demo under envhybrid-demo.

    Note: A module file contains the bundles folder and the config.json file. The bundles folder contains all the resource files which are completed built. The config.json is the router configuration file for the module, which is used for page redirection. For the specific configuration, refer to the demo project.

  3. Configure the first page after login.

    • iOS: {root-directory}/platforms/ios/hybrid-demo/Classes/utils/Strs.h

      #define HOME_ROUTE @"/demo/index.html"
    • Android: {root-directory}/platforms/android/app/src/main/java/com/envision/demo/MyApplication.java

      public static String HOME_ROUTE = "/demo/index.html"

    Where the /demo/index.html is an instance that you can replace with the file path of the login page.

  4. If you have installed and ran this project on this local terminal, uninstall the old installation package and run the project again.

  5. Debug the page.

    Configure remote_server in config.json, that is, read the online web address.

    • iOS: Debug with Safari developer mode

    • Android: Debug with Chrome Developer mode

Introduction of the Demo Functions

The details of the demo functions are as below.

Integrated the Login Function of Application Portal

Log in from the mobile terminal with the Application Portal account system. Application Portal is an application enablement tool provided by EnOS to unify the application interactive experience and account permissions system. For more information about Application Portal, refer to About Application Portal.

Page Redirection

Page redirection in mobile hybrid applications are implemented by loading web pages from an native page container "embeded browser (WebView). There are two cases of redirections between web pages:

  • Page redirection in browser (WebView): same page redirection in common browsers. The sample code is as follows:

    window.location.href = 'a.html';
  • Redirection to a web page loaded by another native container: open a new native container page, including a new browser (WebView) to load the new web page and sync the relevant data to the new browser. nativeHistory.js is needed at this point to provide the ability to do this kind of page redirection. The sample code is as follows:

    import { nativeHistory } from '@enos/envhybrid-utils';

If the H5 code needs to be compatible with both mobile hybrid applications and desktop web applications, the reference code is as follows:

import { device, nativeHistory } from '@enosenvhybrid-utils';
if (device.isMobile) {
  } else {
    window.location.href = 'a.html';

Data Persistence

sharedData Api.js provides a storage function for persistent data, which saves the persistent data to the native layer. Also, it can extract data from the native layer to the H5 layer. Methods are as below:

Method Description
saveShellPersistentData Persistently store data as key-value pair to the native layer
getShellPersistentData Get the data key value from the persistent storage on the Native layer
removeShellPersistentData Delete the data key values from the persistent storage on the Native layer

Basic Plugins

The demo contains the following basic plugins. For all the basic plugins included in this framework, refer to About Mobile Application Framework.

Plugin Description
mobile-plugin-shellrouter Provide interface redirection, replace, and rollback for hybrid applications
mobile-plugin-shared-data Provide methods for operating memory variables shared among multiple webviews, including methods for storing, retrieving, and deleting data.
mobile-plugin-envcontext Provide content injection function to enable the web to obtain global variables such as serverAddress
mobile-plugin-web-container Base class of webview, provides a container for loading web pages

Extended Functions

Besides the above plugins, the framework also provides plugins that support specific features, which will be available soon.

Plugin Description
mobile-plugin-tabbar Support customized container which has tab page
mobile-plugin-language Provide in-app language switching for mobile hybrid frameworks
mobile-plugin-skin Provides the function of globally switching App style themes
mobile-plugin-fingerprint Provide fingerprint recognition