
Timeart Visualizer OpenGL 3.2+ framework

Primary LanguageC++

Timeart Visualizer OpenGL 3.2+ framework (tav)

written in C++ / OpenGL, cross platform (since OsX only supports up to OpenGL 4.1 there are some restrictions on OsX).


tav uses CMake (mkdir build, cd build, cmake .., make)


tav needs a data folder in the users home directory called tav_data copy the example setup.xml into this folder and run ./tav setup.xml



  • AudioTextures
  • FFTs (general and abstract, though also for images)
  • Multichannel FFTs
  • Multichannel Input via Portaudio (MIT, free for commercial use)
  • Onset and Pitch Detection


  • SerialPort/USB via Boost
  • OpenSoundControl (full SceneNode Parameter-Abstraction for OSC with Median-Filtering)
  • TCP/UDP client via Boost (Boost Licenses, commercial use posible)
  • TCP/UDP server via Boost


  • 2D Image Import with Freeimage (GPL v2 and v3)
  • 3D Model Import with Assimp (all popular formats, BSD 3-clause license)
  • Fonts via FreeType
  • Video Import via FFmpeg


  • 2D and 3D Splines
  • 2D and 3D Path Interpolator
  • Function-based Value Interpolation with Callback Functions
  • GLM for all vector and geometrical CPU side calculations
  • Matrix Stacks
  • Median Filter
  • Kalman Filter via OpenCV (3-clause BSD)
  • Vector, Matrices and Quaternion via GLM (MIT license)

Shaders/Image Processing

  • 2D GPU Fluid Simulation (with 2D-FBOs)
  • 3D GPU Fluid Simulation (with Multilayer 2D-FBOs)
  • BumpMaps
  • GPU Bayer Demosaicing
  • GPU FastBlur Shader (all Formats)
  • GPU Histogram (with Normalization, all GL-Formats)
  • GPU Pseudo 2D OpticalFlow
  • GPU Pseudo OpticalFlow for RGB-D Images
  • GPU ParticleSystems with FBOs
  • GPU ParticleSystems with TransformFeedback Buffers
  • GPU ParticleSystems with ComputeShaders
  • GPU Timeaxis Medianfilter
  • GPU LightScattering
  • GPU PerlinNoise
  • Heightmap Shaders and Manipulators (various)
  • LitSphere Shader
  • OpenCV-based Image Contour-Extraction and Texture-Upload with object-specific Texture-Coordinates (3-clause BSD License)
  • RayCasting
  • SphereHarmonics
  • Various audio-based Vertex-Shaders

OpenGL C++ Wrappers

  • FrameBufferObjects (all formats, colors and depths - also PingPongFBOs)
  • Material and Light-Definitions (basic)
  • ShaderAssembler (String-based GLSL Abstration)
  • ShaderBuffers
  • Shaders (with a ShaderCollector for memory optimization)
  • TextureBuffers
  • TransformFeebackObjects
  • UniformBlocks
  • VAO
  • Vertices
  • VertexAttributes

OpenGL Utilities

  • Camera Abstraction (Model-View-Projection, Perspective, Ortographic, Frustum)
  • CameraSets (GeometryShader-based Camera-Array rendering)
  • Geometry Primitives (Circles, Lines, Cubes, segmentated Cubes, Disks, Lines, Quad, segmentated Quads, Spheres, Toruses)
  • GeometryShader-based Path Extrusion (with modulation for all segments)
  • FrameBufferObjects with shader-based 4 Point-Dedistortion, Cropping and Offset
  • FPS Timer
  • Meshes
  • Multi-GPU contexes (via glfw)
  • OpenCV-based Effect Chains (multithreaded)
  • Path Rendering via NvPr
  • ScreenSpacedAmbient Occlusion (100% on GPU)
  • Shared GPU OpenGL contexes (via glfw)
  • Shadow Maps (Standard OpenGL, ESM and VSM)
  • ShaderPrototypes (runtime intialization)
  • SkyBoxes/Environment Mapping
  • Tesselation-Shader based Terrain-Rendering
  • WindowManager (based on GLFW), runtime creation and destruction of window of any size and position (and though output)


  • 6 DOF Correction and Mapping of PointClouds
  • ActivityRange-Tracking for (realtime)-VideoInputs, with ModelMatrix-Generation
  • Background Substraction via DepthMap-Thresholds
  • FaceDetection and Landmark Estimation via Dlib
  • Freenect2 Wrapper
  • General 2D and 3D Point Tracking with Kalman-Filtering (OpenCv-based)
  • OpenCV-based Person Detection via CUDA
  • OpenCv-based Optical-Flow via CUDA
  • Repro-Tools
    • Automatic calibration and pose mapping
    • Camera-beamer calibration 2D (tested and prooved), 3D (almost done)
    • Chessboard-based beamer pose-estimation
    • Mapping of 3D models onto volumetrical objects
    • Mapping of 3D models onto volumetrical objects in movement
    • Saving and loading of calibrations via yml files
  • Shader-based PointCloud to 2D mapping
  • Shader-based Epipolar rectification
  • Skeleton and Hand Poseestimation and tracking via NiTE2
  • Wrapper for Kinect v1 and v2 (via OpenNI2) - event-based and threaded


  • Full hierarchical Node-Trees with Modelmatrix inheritance
  • Full XML-abstraction (Definition of Node-Trees and Parameters)
  • SceneNodes (init, draw, update)
    • A SceneNode inherits a Modelmatrix, a Shader, a CameraSet and a TFO from its parent
    • A SceneNode can deactivate and reactivate all its inputs and though use the full OpenGL Functionality
    • A SceneNode can create and destroy windows
    • Each SceneNode can expose variables to OSC (per pointer), an osc server runs in a separate thread, all values get only updated if new values come in, but get median-filtered every update
    • SceneNode Morphing via TFOs


  • Vector-based Typography with NvPr, single-line and multiline texts, utf8 with formating
  • Texture-based Typography with Freetype (GPLv2 and v3), single-line texts, utf8, basic formating


  • Cuvid Video Textures, GPU based decodification (MPEG1,2,4)
  • FFmpeg based MediaRecorder (GPU-CPU Download, threaded, almost all formats)
  • Video4Linux Textures (threaded, camera control, etc.)
  • VideoTextures via FFMpeg (threaded, all common formats)