Telegram bot which adds all linked Spotify track links to a shared playlist.
- Add Spotify links to a playlist
- Convert Youtube links to Spotify tracks and add them to a playlist
npm install
cp .env.sample .env
- Fill in the blank variables to
file. Don't commit.env
to version control. npm start
- Hubot is now running locally on your machine
- Make sure that you have Heroku app added as a git remote
git push heroku
- Test that bot responds, send "Hello bot" to channel
- Create bot
- Get access token
- Create a new app!/applications
- Follow these examples to get client id, client secret and an initial refresh token.
- Obtain a Youtube API v3 token
- Create a new Heroku app, e.g.
heroku ps:scale web=0 telegram=1 -a ppmusic
Scale heroku dyno processes- Provision add-ons. Redis is required.
- Setup needed environment variables, check .env.sample for reference.
- Do a release