
Applying LSH to twitter data

Primary LanguageJava

1. command to apply whole dataset:
java -cp . LSH -threshold 0.9 -maxFiles 7416113 -inputPath $(TWEET) -outputPath ./output -shingleLength 3 -allcandidates

ATTENTION:-allcandidates will return all candidates that detected by LSH.
Also you can use:java -cp . LSH -threshold 0.9 -maxFiles 7416113 -inputPath $(TWEET) -outputPath ./output -shingleLength 3 
This way you will only get the pair that the similarity of signature array is laeger than 0.9
2. About the makefile
You use the makefile to easily run the code:
1)make LSH
	run the code on the full dataset return all candidates
2)make LSH.threshold
	run the code on the full dataset only return pairs that the similarity of signature array is laeger
3)make Runner
	this will run the code for parameter analysis for the result got from lsh that return all candidates
4)make Runner.threshold
	this will run the code for parameter analysis for the result got from the lsh that only return pairs that the similarity of signature array is laeger than 0.9