
C/C++ to assembly allowing for contained execution

Primary LanguageCoffeeScript

C/C++ to assembly with execution

What is it ? This repository has been forked from the original project YNH/CPP-to-assembly. This project was led by students from the Institute of Technology of Nantes. Our first aim was just to understand how the original application worked. Then, we addend a few minor modifications. Like, for exemple the ability to link asm to code and not only code to asm.

This present repository is an extension to the project. We plan to add an interface where the user can execute his code (if it has a main function) and interact with by using some cinscanf.

Lauch the application

It is mandatory to have an up to date version of gcc

First of all, you have to clone our repo, https://github.com/EnzDev/cpp-to-asm-Executor.git Then,install the application and start the server by doing the followings commands :

$ cd cpp-to-asm-Executor
$ npm install -d
$ npm install coffee-script

$ npm start

After everything just visit localhost:8008