
Create a voice assistant similar to Neuro Sama

Primary LanguagePython


The goal of this project is to create a voice assistant, similar to Neuro Sama, capable of providing oral responses like an AI, while also performing basic actions like Google Assistant.


Make you sur Python 3.10 is installed on your computer (other version may work but I didn't test it).

Clone the repository:

git clone https://github.com/EnzoDeg40/Alita.git

Move to the project folder:

cd Alita

Change to develop branch if you want to contribute or test new features:

git checkout dev

Download any model on alphacephei to models folder. I use vosk-model-fr for production and vosk-model-small-fr for development.

Install the requirements:

pip install -r requirements.txt


python main.py


  • Voice recognition
  • Connect to an AI like mistral
  • Improve text to speech