
Implementation of the semidefinite method on local flags

Primary LanguageRust


This repository contains the software which was used to prove the results in my MSc Mathematics thesis: (see thesis.pdf). It contains a Rust implementation of the semidefinite method on local flags. This framework can be used to prove asymptotic bounds on subgraph densities relative to the maximum degree Δ(G) for Δ(G) large.

In particular:

  • examples/strong_edge_colouring.rs: Proves the best known bound on the Erdős and Nešetřil conjecture on strong edge colouring1.
  • examples/bipartite_strong_edge_colouring.rs. Proves the best known bound for the bipartite special case conjectured by Faudree et al1.
  • examples/bounded_pentagon.rs: Proves a decent upper bound on the number of pentagons in a triangle free Δ-regular graph.
  • examples/bounded_pentagon_alt_approach.rs: Proves a stronger upper bound on the same problem.

You can find the certificates of these programs for reference in the certificates/ directory.


You need to have rust installed. I recommend installing via rustup.rs.

You need to have the csdp command line installed to solve semi-definite optimization problems.

sudo apt install cmake gfortran coinor-csdp


To clone this repository run git clone --recursive http://github.com/EoinDavey/local-flags. The --recursive flag is required to include the rust-flag-algebras submodule which is a modification of crates.io/crates/flag-algebra.

To run one of the scripts in the example/ folder, e.g. example/bounded_pentagon.rs run

cargo run --release --example bounded_pentagon

The first compilation may be quite long. The first execution can also take time because the library needs to compute lists of graphs and the matrices of some flag operators. These later are stored in files for later computations. Eventually, the bottleneck is the SDP solver.


These programs can generate a lot of on-disk data, especially for high values of n (the standard flag size search parameter).


  1. Induced matchings in bipartite graphs, Faudree, R. J., Gyárfas, A., Schelp, R. H., & Tuza, Zs. (1989). Discrete Mathematics, 78(1–2), 83–87. https://doi.org/10.1016/0012-365X(89)90163-5 2