GUI functionallity and usage
Opened this issue · 8 comments
Hello @helene-t ,
do you have some documentation the SciDataTool GUI?
I tried to visualize e.g. phase fluxlinkage and their FFT but I was not able to do that. Or at least it seems to be not intuitive to me. Further the 'Filter' button seem to have no functionallity (at least for now).
Best regards, Sebastian
Hello @SebGue ,
Unfortunately we did not have the time to write a documentation for the GUI yet.
To perform FFT, you should have the option "FFT" available in the combobox for the x-axis (instead of None). If you do not check "auto-refresh", you must not forget to click on "Refresh" to see the actualization on the graph.
The filter button is designed for string axes (with is_components=True). It opens a dialog with filtering options.
Do not hesitate to ask for further information.
Hello @helene-t ,
I think I finally understand at least some of the GUI (fig. I).
'Axes Selection' (blue section) is 'Plot Axes Selection'.
'Axes Operation' (red section) means 'Other Axes Operations'.
Now if I select 'overlay/filter' for phase axes as 'Axes Operations', I get the expected result (fig. II). Nevertheless it would be more convenient if this was the default setting. At least for fluxlinkage this makes sense, but maybe for your needs 'rms' is the better choise?!
Still I'm don't really know how to get a valid FFT of the 3 phases fluxlinkage. If I do a FFT with 'Phase=rms' I get a bin of a senseful magnitude but it is only one bin and there are no other frequency components (fig. III).
If I select 'overlay/filter' instead, there is an error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Program Files\Python38\lib\site-packages\SciDataTool\GUI\DDataPlotter\", line 149, in auto_update
File "C:\Program Files\Python38\lib\site-packages\SciDataTool\GUI\DDataPlotter\", line 488, in update_plot
File "C:\Program Files\Python38\lib\site-packages\SciDataTool\Methods\DataND\", line 493, in plot_2D_Data
indices = [
File "C:\Program Files\Python38\lib\site-packages\SciDataTool\Methods\DataND\", line 496, in <listcomp>
if abs(y) > abs(thresh * np_max(Ydatas[0]))
ValueError: The truth value of an array with more than one element is ambiguous. Use a.any() or a.all()
Further there is an issue if I select 'phase' axes for X:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Program Files\Python38\lib\site-packages\SciDataTool\GUI\DDataPlotter\", line 149, in auto_update
File "C:\Program Files\Python38\lib\site-packages\SciDataTool\GUI\DDataPlotter\", line 488, in update_plot
File "C:\Program Files\Python38\lib\site-packages\SciDataTool\Methods\DataND\", line 213, in plot_2D_Data
result = d.get_along(
File "C:\Program Files\Python38\lib\site-packages\SciDataTool\Methods\DataND\", line 36, in get_along
axes_list, transforms = self._comp_axes(axes_list)
File "C:\Program Files\Python38\lib\site-packages\SciDataTool\Methods\DataND\", line 67, in _comp_axes
axis_requested.get_axis(self.axes[axis_requested.index], is_real=self.is_real)
File "C:\Program Files\Python38\lib\site-packages\SciDataTool\Methods\RequestedAxis\", line 46, in get_axis
values = axis.get_values(unit=self.unit)
File "C:\Program Files\Python38\lib\site-packages\SciDataTool\Methods\Data1D\", line 122, in get_values
values = convert(values, self.unit, unit)
File "C:\Program Files\Python38\lib\site-packages\SciDataTool\Functions\", line 256, in convert
raise UnitError(
SciDataTool.Functions.UnitError: Units rad and do not match
Thanks for you help in advance.
Do you have is_overlay=True in your "phase" axis? It should help solve all the above issues.
Is this an axis attribute? The SciData Object I try to plot is the 'default' Pyleecan fluxlinkage (i.e. Out.Mag.Phi_wind_stator).
Yes it is an attribute of Data1D. In the latest versions of Pyleecan and SciDataTool, it should be set correctly. You can also try to initialize the GUI with Phi_wind_stator.plot("time", "phase[]")
Thank you, setting the attribute helped. Nevertheless there is only one freqency. Is there a round off before plotting?
... btw auto refresh should refresh even at checking this option. Also the filter is disabled now. Is there an option to only analyze a single (string) axis value?
Regarding export, what's your default decimal seperator? Would you mind to enable at least the option for default 'comma'?
There is a filter of low amplitude harmonics. You should maybe try the simple plot Phi_wind_stator.plot_2D_Data("freqs", "phase[0]") to check if the issue comes from the GUI or from the plot itself. You can use the plot_2D_Data options (x_max, is_auto_ticks, is_auto_range, etc) to check your data.
The filter should be available on your phase axis, through the "overlay" button.
Concerning exports, it is for now only available in csv format, therefore with "." decimal separator.