
Sample Project to work with Google Cloud Run/Build

Primary LanguageHTML


Sample Project to work with Google Cloud Run/Build.

This is a sample project to test Google Cloud Platform using their services Cloud Build and Cloud Run. A Docker container with an Nginx image will be deployed to host a simple static site.

Products used on this project:

  • Google Cloud Build
  • Google Cloud Run
  • Docker
  • Nginx

Pull Requests naming convention

Pull requests should follow this naming convention:



  • FEATURE: adding a new extension for linting
  • FIX: removing screen flicker in the About Us page

This naming convention is enforced.

Pull Requests branch naming convention

Pull request branches should follow this naming convention:

  • ^(feature|fix|enhancement|chore|refactor)/master/[a-z0-9._-]+$


  • feature/master/lint-extension
  • fix/master/about-us-flicking


To generate the distribution directory run:

  • npm run build this build will be created under the build/ directory.

Before running the gcloud command-line tools, you may need to, authenticate:

  • gcloud auth login

And select your project (replace YOURPROJECTID with your own):

  • gcloud config set project YOURPROJECTID

To build using gcloud command-line run:

  • gcloud builds submit --tag gcr.io/YOURPROJECTID/hello-sample

To deploy using gcloud command-line run:

  • gcloud run deploy hello-sample --allow-unauthenticated --region us-central1 --platform managed --image gcr.io/YOURPROJECTID/hello-sample --project YOURPROJECTID

All-in-one command:

  • gcloud components update --quiet && npm i && npm run build && gcloud builds submit --tag gcr.io/YOURPROJECTID/hello-sample && gcloud run deploy hello-sample --allow-unauthenticated --region us-central1 --platform managed --image gcr.io/YOURPROJECTID/hello-sample --project YOURPROJECTID
