Team Members: Ephraim Sutherland, Vinicious Canto Costa


must have poetry installed.

to create a virtual environment run

python3.10 -m venv optiver_env
source optiver_env/bin/activate

and to install packages run

poetry lock
poetry install

Finally, if you have the kaggle CLI api installed, then, inside kaggle_optiver, you can run

kaggle competitions download -c optiver-trading-at-the-close

After unzipping this, the project should be working

to get your kernel registered within vscode, while inside the virtual environment you may also need to install the proper kernel.

To do this run

python3 -m ipykernel install --user --name=optiver_env


While we test our own features, many of our most successful features come from or are inspired by this paper on predicting short-term returns. While their paper studies this predictive ability in continuous markets, we find that many of these features also have strong predictive power for the closing cross.