
This is used to calculate the amount a patient is due to pay when checking out of the hospital

Primary LanguageTypeScript


This is used to check in and checkout customers

Installation Guide

  1. For linux run cp .env.example .env
  2. For windows run copy .env.example .env
  • Install dependencies * npm i*
  • Fill your database config in your .env. Please make use of mysql or postgres


  • Run migrations using npm run migration


  • Run seeder using npm run seed

Build project

  • Run npm run build

Start project

  • Run npm start



Description Route Method Body Params Query Added Info
Staff Login /api/v1/staff/login POST email, password
Add Staff /api/v1/staff/create POST email, first_name, last_name, phone_number
Check In Customer /api/v1/reservations POST email, first_name, last_name, phone_number, room_type, room_number, checkout_time, amount_paid
All reservations /api/v1/reservations GET status, checking_time, checkout_time, room_type, room_number status should be running or checkedout
Single reservation /api/v1/reservations/:id GET id reservation id
Checkout reservation /api/v1/reservations/:id/checkout GET id reservation id
Pay overstay fee /api/v1/reservations/:id/pay POST overstay_fee id reservation id

Super Staff

Stack used

  • Nodejs
  • Typescript
  • Mysql/Postgresql