
Property Pro Lite is a platform where people can create and/or search properties for sale or rent.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Build Status

Coverage Status


Property pro Lite is a platform where users can upload and advertise their property for sale. Users can lookup property advertised for sale or place their own property for sale.

Project management information on pivatal tracker

  • See the project stories here

UI Design

User Interface (UI) Tech Stack (Frontend)

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Javascript


PropertyPro-lite documentation link

Required Features

User can sign up.
User can sign in.
User (agent) can post a property advert
User (agent) can update detail of a property advert.
User (agent) can mark his/her posted advert as sold.
User (agent) can delete a property advert.
User can view all properties adverts.
User can view all properties of a specific type - 2 bedroom, 3 bedroom, mini flat etc.
User can view a specific property advert.
User can flag a property as fraud

Installation and Running the Application

Ensure that you have nodejs and npm installed in your computer

a. Clone this repository into your named folder

git clone -b develop https://github.com/markeu/property-pro
git status

b. Install the project dependencies

npm install

c. start the application

npm start

Test the endpoints

The application can be tested locally through localhost on port 5000 or through the live url using postman

  1. Run the application while postman is open
  2. Go to postman and test against the endpoints below with the required property:-

Endpoints to test

Method Endpoint Enable a user to:
POST api/v1/auth/signup Create user account
POST api/v1/auth/signin Login a user
POST api/v1/property Create a property advert
POST api/v1/property/<:property-id> Flag property as fraud
PATCH api/v1/property/<:property-id> Update property data
PATCH api/v1/property/<:property-id>/sold Mark a property as sold so users know it’s no longer available
DELETE api/v1/property/<:property-id> Delete a property advert
GET api/v1/property/ Get all property adverts
GET api/v1/property/search?type =​ propertyType Get all property advertisement offering a specific type of property (e,g flat, mini-flat,etc)
GET api/v1/property-advert/<:property-id> View a specific property advert


  • Uche Uzochukwu Mark