
generate CobaltStrike's cross-platform payload

Primary LanguageC

Cross C2

README | 中文文档

🚀 For a faster way, see cna introduction GO📌

🔥 Linux & MacOS supports no file landing, load and execute from memory dynamic library or executable file GO📖

🔥 Flexibly customize the data return type of the execution file, portscan, screenshot, keystrokes, credentials and other user-defined development to achieve more convenient implementation GO📖 ( Sample: GO📌 )

🎉 Android & iPhone support GO📌

Cross C2 - Generator CobaltStrike's cross-platform beacon

     ▄████▄   ██▀███   ▒█████    ██████   ██████     ▄████▄   ██████▄ 
    ▒██▀ ▀█  ▓██ ▒ ██▒▒██▒  ██▒▒██    ▒ ▒██    ▒    ▒██▀ ▀█        ██░
    ▒▓█    ▄ ▓██ ░▄█ ▒▒██░  ██▒░ ▓██▄   ░ ▓██▄      ▒▓█        █████▒ 
    ▒▓▓▄ ▄██▒▒██▀▀█▄  ▒██   ██░  ▒   ██▒  ▒   ██▒   ▒▓▓▄ ▄█ ░▒██      
    ▒ ▓███▀ ░░██▓ ▒██▒░ ████▓▒░▒██████▒▒▒██████▒▒   ▒ ▓███▀  ░▒▓█████▓
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    ░ ░         ░         ░ ░        ░        ░     ░ ░          ░    
    ░                                               ░                 


Add beacon generation functions for CobaltStrike's cross-platform beacon.

Windows Linux MacOS iOS Android Embedded
Run Env (x86)
Run Env (x64)
gen beacon (x86)
gen beacon (x64)
gen beacon (armv7)
gen beacon (arm64)
gen beacon (mips[el])

Restricted description:

  • Linux: For particularly old systems, you can choose "Linux-GLIBC" option in cna (around 2010)
  • MacOS: Latest systems only support 64-bit programs
  • iOS: sandbox, restricted cmd
  • Embedded: only *nix
  • ⍻ : Loader is still in progress

Install & Usage

Reference documents: 📖 Wiki

Password dump module: using open source projects MimiPenguin2.0, See CrossC2Kit/mimipenguin/mimipenguin.cna

Coming soon

  1. Rich C2Profile support
  2. Staged Type Shellcode Generation
  3. http-proxy (auth) & socks proxy back connection support
  4. Proxy-Pivots
  5. node beacon? (Single node type, can host other beacon without relying on teamserver)



MacOS & Linux


Develop dynamic libraries and customize data return types, such as implementing some built-in functions.





release v1.1 :

  • -fix Multi-language garbled problem fix for memory load execution function

md5(genCrossC2.Linux) = 2347ed6e30e4655b793a6dbb4d33d25c

md5(genCrossC2.MacOS) = f530333500a76fe228864f8901af4104

md5(genCrossC2.Win.exe) = c223e31b2674a8a11d3254f92259e87a

release v1.0 :

  • -fix Test multiple times for a long time in multiple scenarios in real environment, fix some hidden problems, now more stable
  • +support Linux & MacOS Supports no file landing, loading and executing from memory
  • +support Reserved CS built-in data types, richer user-defined plug-in return data types, free and easy to implement 'portscan' and other native functions

md5(genCrossC2.Linux) = 12295998d4bffd5b4c4a411fb33428bb

md5(genCrossC2.MacOS) = c88ce9df47529b243e2215a866d445c5

md5(genCrossC2.Win.exe) = 51d1814f1ebbab634bce0373ceb7cee6

release v0.4 :

  • -change Multi-threaded background when shell commands are executed
  • -change Redirect error output to standard output when shell command is executed.
  • +support Add background file download function.

md5(genCrossC2.Linux) = b2e34f721ec2543b6625e33c8c2935df

md5(genCrossC2.MacOS) = 4e38a9d9a3eeff309648afc02e2e7664

release v0.3 :

  • +support Compatibility with older versions of GLIBC on older systems Linux (around 2010).

release v0.2 :

  • -fix genCrossC2.Linux crash.
  • -fix uploading large file error.
  • +support GUI file manager.

md5(genCrossC2.Linux) = 8256374d88c2149efc102aff7e90b3f9

md5(genCrossC2.MacOS) = 08fce0a5d964a091d8bf2344d7ab809e

release v0.1 :

  • Support Linux & MacOS beacon generation.

md5(genCrossC2.Linux) = f4c0cc85c7cdd096d2b7febedc037538

md5(genCrossC2.MacOS) = 79fff0505092fc2055824ed1289ce8f9