
Educational chat client and server using tkinter and Socket.IO

Primary LanguagePython


Educational chat client and server using tkinter and Socket.IO.

Dev (local) mode

The server is using gevent and gevent-websocket for Socket.IO's websocket transport.



pip install requirements-dev.txt


pip install requirements.txt

Running using defaults

Run the server:

export DEV=true
python run.py

Run the client:

export DEV=true
export NICKNAME=Nickname
python run.py

Running using a custom URL

Run the server:

export DEV=true
export HOST=local.dev
export PORT=8080
python run.py

Run the client:

export DEV=true
export NICKNAME=Nickname
export URL=http://local.dev:8080
python run.py

Running using SSL and defaults

Generate a private key:

openssl genrsa -out private.pem 2048

Generate a certificate:

openssl req -new -x509 -key private.pem -out cacert.pem

Run the server:

export DEV=true
export KEYFILE=private.pem
export CERTFILE=cacert.pem
python run.py

Run the client:

export DEV=true
export NICKNAME=Nickname
export URL=https://localhost:5000
python run.py

Production mode

The server is using gevent and the built-in uwsgi's websocket capabilities for Socket.IO's websocket transport.



pip install requirements-prod.txt


pip install requirements.txt

Run the server

uWSGI config:

chdir = server
pyhome = server/venv
wsgi-file = server/wsgi.py
gevent = 1000
http-websockets = true
master = true

Run the client

export NICKNAME=Nickname
export URL=https://chat.example.com
python run.py