Epocsquadron's Neovim Configuration

Because version controlling is cool. Also it helps me to work between multiple machines and might serve as a nice reference for others.

What's Included

Distraction-free Mode (Goyo)

Use `

Tips and Tricks

  • Use zz to center the current line in the window.
  • Use ci<some delimiter> to change everything inbetween brackets, quotes,..
  • Use to return to a previous buffer, to go forward
  • Use m<anything> to mark a spot in a file, '<samething> to return to it
    • ` will bring you to the line and column
    • Capitalize to make it available between files.
  • Use gt to go to next tab, gT to go to previous
  • Use +y to yank to the system clipboard
  • Use <Leader>ff to search directory for files containing a string