
a chengyu dictionary for Chinese and English

Primary LanguageJava

How to install

To install our application, please follow the listed instructions:

  1. First, you need an environment where GWT can be deployed. At this moment, we are using Eclipse plus a GWT plugin where we retrieved it from Eclipse marketplace.
  2. Then, MySQL is needed in order to import our data.
  • MySQL Workbench is optional but it helped comparing to MySQL command line tools.
  1. To import our data, you need to run data\_structure.sql file where our data structures and relations were stored.
  2. Then, you should first import Chengyu data from chengyu\_data.json file and tags data from tags.csv file, since there are foreign key dependencies.
  3. Then, you can import chengyu tags relations from chengyu\_tag.csv file.
  4. Following that, you need to go to DictionaryServiceImpl.java (located in chengyu.dict\src\main\java\com\colewews1819\server\) where database connection information was hard-coded in. Variables DB\_URL, USER and PASS need to be modified in order to make our program connect to the database.
  5. Please run the application through Eclipse.
  6. Open the page http://localhost:8888/chengyudict via a browser. We have tested and passed with Safari, Google Chrome and Firefox.
  7. Enjoy it!