
A collection of papers that try to explain the mysteries of deep learning with theories and empirical evidences.

Deep learning explained

A collection of papers that try to explain the mysteries of deep learning with theories and empirical evidences. And here is a curated resource of deep learning theory papers by Prof. Boris Hanin at Princeton.

Theory-oriented explanations

Differential equation view

Interpolation-Extrapolation tradeoffs

Inductive Bias

Deep PAC and PAC-Bayes


Theory of training

SGD, loss landscape, learning dynamics, stochacity, sgd for feature learning, learning curriculum etc.

Neural Tangent Kernel

Understanding training tricks

Implicit regularization

Theory of representation learning

Self-supervised learning

Contrastive learning

Explaining representational power

Neural collapse

Empirical observations and explanations

Double descent

Mechanistic interpretability of DL

Generalization metrics


Decision boundary

Data-centric understanding

Spurious correlation

See here for the detailed discussion on spurious correlation.

Lottery ticket hypothesis
