- 1
- 1
Contributing to staking node TX confirm fee cancel showing string not "cancel"
#30 opened by BigslimVdub - 3
- 1
Restore viewonly wallet
#25 opened by AdminXeq - 2
- 3
- 1
Create TX window string error send-to name
#28 opened by BigslimVdub - 1
- 4
Failed to open wallet
#26 opened by krlm080 - 6
Wallet closes when "About" links are clicked
#11 opened by BigslimVdub - 0
- 2
Unable to import account from file MAC
#17 opened by BigslimVdub - 1
- 2
Import wallet string error in file name box
#16 opened by BigslimVdub - 2
- 5
Wallet will not open
#14 opened by Robertmor808 - 1
Change GNTL DNS for URL to
#19 opened by BKdilse - 2
Switching from remote node to local daemon while wallet open does not restart app MAC arm
#18 opened by BigslimVdub - 3
- 1
TODO: Update remote node list
#13 opened by BigslimVdub - 3
Remote Node not connecting.
#10 opened by Robertmor808 - 1
TODO: Update links
#12 opened by BigslimVdub - 1
- 1
- 3
- 1
equilibria wallet1
#4 opened by Munir888 - 1
equilibria 2
#5 opened by Munir888 - 1
Unable to stake XEQ using 17.2.1 AppImage Linux GUI application on Linux Ubuntu 22.04 LTS
#3 opened by TheLawofNature - 2
- 2
problem sending coins
#1 opened by Tokran