
A superrrr python software that is used to automatically send congratulatory emails to Hult@IOE Participants and Winners

Primary LanguagePython

Hult Auto Certificate Sender

This is a python based collection of programs that asks for user input and will then send congratulatory emails [HTML Based] to the inputted emails with certificates attached.

This was created by "Saurav Adhikari" for Hult Prize at IOE 2021/22 Final Email Sending Assignment.



How do I run this software?

Navigate to the program directory and run

pip3 install Jinja2==3.1.1
python3 main.py

Then write answer the so asked questions

Why did you create this?

Because I wanted to send email faster by creating a software (in 2 hours) for a task that would take 4 hours to do it in 1 hour.

