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axon is database migration manager. It can create SQL migration files with timestamp (which you can edit), execute them and skip every already executed file.

Database management

Axon will create for you additional files:

  • conf/database.yml - database connection data
  • db/order.yml - describe which files should be executed and in which order
  • src/db/init.h - header for database connection initialize
  • src/db/init.c - source for parsing and perform database connection

After this you just need to add db_init to your application config file. axon will print this information for you after init.

Additionally axon perform every migration in TRANSACTION and rollback everything if anything fails. Failure database message will be printed out as well file path which causes problems.

axon perform every migration in transaction but failing in middle of large bunch of migration files will reverse only last one. This is cause by special execution process which is using axon-requester application.

You can perform migration in TRANSACTION only with flag --skip-triggers but none callback will be called of build. This behaviour is aliased as axan db migrate.

axon db init
axon db create
axon db drop
axon db setup
axon db migrate
axon db setup
axon db seed
axon triggers


axon can create SQL files for you but if you want more advance actions you need to edit them or create your own files. They will not be overridden so you can safety change them.

axon db new table accounts id login pass last_logged:timestamp timestamps
axon db drop table accounts
axon db rename table accounts users
axon db new enum colors green yellow blue
axon db drop enum colors
axon db change accounts drop last_logged
axon db change accounts add age:int
axon db change accounts retype age:int


Axon is delivered with axon-creator which handle file generating.

axon-creator new table accounts id login pass last_logged:timestamp timestamps
axon-creator drop table accounts
axon-creator rename table users accounts
axon-creator new enum colors green yellow blue
axon-creator drop enum colors
axon-creator change accounts drop last_logged
axon-creator change accounts add age:int
axon-creator change accounts retype login:text

When you creating new table you can use some handy shortcuts:


Adding bang at end of column name will add NOT NULL constraint to column, for example:



You can inform axon that column is actually reference to another table column by adding ( and ) with column name between them, example:



All id columns are now UNIQUE NOT NULL! You don't need to pass id! to have NOT NULL constraint but if you do this SQL still will be valid.


Axon is delivered with axon-migrator which handle all psql connections and sql executions.

axon-migrator create
axon-migrator drop
axon-migrator setup
axon-migrator migrate [--skip-triggers]
axon-migrator seed


Version 1.1.1 introduced axon-compiler which compile migration callbacks. Creator also was enhanced to create empty triggers files.

axon-compiler triggers [--mem-check]

Example before trigger file for migration with timestamp 1234:

// ./db/1234_before_trigger.c
#include <axon/triggers.h>
#include <axon/codes.h>

int before_1234_callback(AxonCallbackData *data);

int before_1234_callback(AxonCallbackData *data) {
  return AXON_SUCCESS;

Compiler can link static or shared libraries to you triggers if you specify them in conf/triggers.yml. Example for your static file called libfoo.a in directory ./vendor/lib/.

libs: foo
flags: -L./vendor/lib

New directory will be created called .axon in application directory and filled with object files (each for every source file). Then compiler will link them together and create dynamic linked file .axon/triggers.so. This file will be loaded by axon-requester.

Triggers files have only tree restrictions:

  • They must ends with _callback.c.
  • Functions must match pattern (before|after)_(\d+)_callback and accept pointer to AxonCallbackData.
  • When optional --mem-check flag is set clang must be installed and must be called clang.

You can store some data in AxonCallbackData.payload if you need. This field was design to pass some data between before and after callback. You can also pass function to clear this data using AxonCallbackData.freePayload field which accept void (*fn)(void *). Replacing payload in after callback without de-allocating previous data will cause memory leaks.


// ./db/1234_before_trigger.c
#include <axon/triggers.h>
#include <axon/codes.h>

int before_1234_callback(AxonCallbackData *data);

// called after commit
void freePayload(void *payload) {

int before_1234_callback(AxonCallbackData *data) {
  data->payload = calloc(sizeof(char), strlen("Database changed commited\n") + 1);
  data->freePayload = freePayload;
  return AXON_SUCCESS;


axon-requester 1234 ./db/migarate/1234_create_table.sql
axon-requester 1234 --dry

Is special application which handle execution migration files. Action perform by axon-requester:

  • Load triggers library
  • Load SQL if file was given
  • Begin transaction
  • Create AxonCallbackData
  • Check if before trigger exists and run it with created AxonCallbackData
  • Run SQL query with SQL stored in AxonCallbackData
  • Check if after trigger exists and run it with existing AxonCallbackData
  • Close transaction

Every step can ROLLBACK transaction and stop executing next.

--dry option execute steps with predefined SQL CREATE LOCAL TEMPORARY TABLE IF NOT EXISTS dry_run_table ( id serial );. This mode should be used to track down memory leaks and crashes.

Database query will be performed regardless of mode unless SQL was removed from AxonCallbackData.

DO NOT FREE SQL! If you wish to change something in SQL clone it or completely replace. axon-requester will take care of his and yours SQL (you don't need to create after callback just to remove your SQL).


axon support fallowing types of working environment:

  • dev
  • prod
  • test

They can be set by creating .flavor ( kore.io way ) or by running command with environment variable:

echo 'test' >> .flavor
axon db create
KORE_ENV=test axon db create

Files structure

axon will create some directories and files. Some of them are not in use right now but they will be in near future. I highly recommend to exclude .migrations from version control system.

   ├── database.yml
   └── triggers.yml
  └── db
      ├── init.h
      └── init.c
 ├── order.yml
 ├── setup
 ├── seed
 └── migrate




  name: "kore_dev"
  port: 5432
  host: "localhost"
  name: "kore_prod"
  port: 5432
  host: "localhost"
  name: "kore_test"
  port: 5432
  host: "localhost"



  - first_seed_file.sql
  - second_seed_file.sql
  - first_setup.sql
  - second_setup.sql



flags: -I./includes -L./lib
libs: libaxonutils libaxonconfig

All files should be stored in related directory. They can be stored in subdirectories but you need to add its name to file, ex. subdirectory/file.sql. Do not pass absolute path, migrator is looking only for files in those directories. Every not included file will be ignored as well as entry with non-existing files.


Generating SQL

  • Creating new table
  • Creating drop table
  • Creating add column
  • Creating drop column
  • Creating new enum
  • Creating drop enum
  • Creating change type for column


  • Create database
  • Drop database
  • Executing migration in transaction
  • Skip already executed files
  • Using setup axon db setup for setup database before db migrate
  • Using seeds axon db seed for creating default or example table rows
  • Support PostgreSQL REFERENCES constraint
  • Support PostgreSQL NOT NULL constraint
  • Before migration code execution
  • After migration code execution


Known bugs



sudo apt-get --yes install check
sudo apt-get --yes install clang-3.8
sudo apt-get --yes install libpq-dev postgresql-server-dev-all
sudo apt-get --yes install lcov
sudo apt-get --yes install libyaml-dev
sudo apt-get --yes install build-essential libunistring-dev

Mac OS

brew install libunistring
brew install postgresql
brew install libyaml
brew install lcov