
0x19. C - Stacks, Queues - LIFO, FIFO

Primary LanguageC

0x19. C - Stacks, Queues - LIFO, FIFO


Authors - Erastus Munala

- Archibald Gacheru


  1. push, pall Implement the push and pall opcodes.

The push opcode

The opcode push pushes an element to the stack.

  • Usage: push <\int>
  • where <\int> is an integer
  • if <\int> is not an integer or if there is no argument given to push, print the error message L<line_number>: usage: push integer, followed by a new line, and exit with the status EXIT_FAILURE where is the line number in the file
  • You won’t have to deal with overflows. Use the atoi function

The pall opcode

The opcode pall prints all the values on the stack, starting from the top of the stack.

  • Usage pall
  • Format: see example
  • If the stack is empty, don’t print anything SOLUTION
  1. Pint Implement the pint opcode.

The pint opcode

The opcode pint prints the value at the top of the stack, followed by a new line.

  • Usage: pint
  • If the stack is empty, print the error message L<\line_number>: can't pint, stack empty, followed by a new line, and exit with the status EXIT_FAILURE SOLUTION
  1. Pop Implement the pop opcode.

The pop opcode

The opcode pop removes the top element of the stack.

  • Usage: pop
  • If the stack is empty, print the error message L<line_number>: can't pop an empty stack, followed by a new line, and exit with the status EXIT_FAILURE SOLUTION
  1. Swap Implement the swap opcode.

The swap opcode

The opcode swap swaps the top two elements of the stack.

  • Usage: swap
  • If the stack contains less than two elements, print the error message L<line_number>: can't swap, stack too short, followed by a new line, and exit with the status EXIT_FAILURE SOLUTION
  1. Implement the add opcode.

The add opcode

The opcode add adds the top two elements of the stack.

  • Usage: add
  • If the stack contains less than two elements, print the error message L<line_number>: can't add, stack too short, followed by a new line, and exit with the status EXIT_FAILURE
  • The result is stored in the second top element of the stack, and the top element is removed, so that at the end:
    • The top element of the stack contains the result
    • The stack is one element shorter SOLUTION
  1. nop Implement the nop opcode.

The nop opcode

The opcode nop doesn’t do anything.