
Listens to Twitch chat and auto-writes the commonly typing word for auto-joins the raffles on your behalf. Tracks your winnings and writes a message to the chat that you'd like to.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Twitch Raffle BOT

  • Listens to Twitch chat and auto-writes the commonly typing word for auto-joining the raffles on your behalf.
  • Tracks your winnings and writes a message to the chat that you'd like to.

Used techs

tmi.js - connecting twitch chat
dotenv - hiding your login credentials
prisma - database connection

Start the bot

  • Clone the repo and install dependencies via
npm i
npm run bot
  • Open web interface
npm run web

Can be added

  • Prisma ORM to save wins to database.
  • Add some logic to avoid multiple joining.
  • Send an email that includes you won a prize.
  • Desktop notification when joined raffle and won.
  • Give feedback to streamer if you won in 5 seconds.
  • Act like a real person while hanging around in chat.
  • Listen and join multiple twitch channels at the same time.


AWS EC2 - running 24/7