
Unity3d Helper library - Components, math, threading and much more useful stuff!

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MyHalp - Unity 5 helper library

Unity 5 helper library, contains some useful stuff for better and easier development.

Main Features:

  • MyCooker - Editor extension which helps building applications in specific configurations.
  • MyPreloader - Editor extension that generates MyAssets class, with all given assets to preload, call MyAssets.Init() to load all of them at once - using async loading.
  • MyConsole - Console window for fast development or even ready projects.
  • MyCommands - Class for registering commands and executing by string (eg.: 'volume master 0.2') or name and object array as parameters.
  • MyLogger - MyLogger.Add("Wouw, LOGS! MUCH logs. Love logs.");
  • MyTimer - Allows to run methods with delay or interval, wub wub wub wub, error.
  • MyCursor - Easy cursor management class. MyCursor.Push(MyCursorState.Hide);
  • MyJob - Threaded jobs.
  • MyJobQueue - Queued jobs with progress.
  • MyDispatcher - Call any method/deleate from any thread in the main thread - Wow! What a great thing.
  • MyComponent - Custom Unity behaviour class.
  • MyComponent.Singleton - Based on MyComponent singleton template, can be used to create easily accessible objects.
  • MyInput - Custom Input class that supports binding, FixedUpdate (via .FixedGet) and more.
  • MyObjectPool - Pooled objects, request 'new' gameobject without performace hit at any time.
  • MyInstancer - Creates new instance of given component, and assings it to a gameobject.
  • MyMath - MyVector2/3/4, MyQuaternion, MyMatrix/3x3/4x4 and much more (using SharpDX.Mathematics).

Incoming Features (under development):

  • MyCooker - Script-only building.
  • MyAssert - Runtime checks for debugging, as any other Assert functionality, but this uses MyLogger.
  • MyProfiler - Runtime profiling tool.

Planned Features:

  • MyFade - Smooth fading between scenes and cameras.
  • MyMessage - Show nice messages on UI by simply calling MyMessage.Show("Hello, World!");
  • MyRCon - Remote MyCommand execution.
  • MyLightProbeGenerator - Editor extension that helps placing (procedurally) light probes.
  • MyBundle - Editor extension that helps creating asset bundles and loading them during runtime.

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If you have found an issue or you have any suggestions, you can send those in the Issues section. Also, You can join my Discord server to get real-time support. Use as template: MurderShadow is using MyHalp!

Who is using MyHalp?

MurderShadow - online fast-paced shooter on Steam.

MyHalp (c) 2016-2017 Damian 'Erdroy' Korczowski