
C++ CUDA-compatible template class that provides an interface for generic purpose matrix related algorithms and computations. Includes Matlab-like functions. This is mainly an example of how to use CUDA code with C++. Don't expect such high performance.

Primary LanguageC++BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" LicenseBSD-2-Clause


C++ class that provides an interface for matrix-based computing.



• Can hold any class.

• Possibility to use GPU for calculations. [WIP] : currently, only multiplications and transpose are available.

• Fast conversion to std::vector<T> to facilitate GPU-acceleration-based algorithms.

• Operators *, + and - available as long as the template parameters provides these operators.

• Determinant, inverse, tranpose ,cofactormatrix, trace, mean, average.

• Classic fill, zeroes, ones, eye, randn and rand.

• Dynamic resizing (possibility to add, remove and inverst lines and / or columns).

• Fast reshaping (O(1)).

• Possibility to directly print contents and size to stdout or any std::ostream.

• Possibility to override most functions in subclasses to increase performances in specific cases.

Convenience types

Type Shortcut
Matrix<float> FMatrix
Matrix<double> DMatrix
Matrix<long double> LDMatrix
Matrix<int> IMatrix
Matrix<long int> LIMatrix
Matrix<long long int> LLIMatrix
Matrix<unsigned int> UIMatrix
Matrix<unsigned long> ULMatrix
Matrix<unsigned long long> ULLMatrix
Matrix<char> CMatrix
Matrix<unsigned char> UCMatrix


Member enums

Name Contents Description Notes
enum class ste::Matrix<>::Orientation ROW , COLUMN Used to specify if a function needs to be applied to a row or a column. This enum holds redundant members : LINE, RW, R are equivalent to ROW. COL , CL , C are equivalent to COLUMN.

Non-member enum

Name Contents Description Notes
enum class ste::EXE CPU , GPU Used to specify the execution policy for a matrix. See Paragraph Using the GPU for more details. This enum holds redundant members :, C, HOST are equivalent to CPU. G , DEVICE , are equivalent to GPU.

N.B : ste::EXE::GPU and its alias are only available if STE_MATRIX_ALLOW_GPU is #defined.

Member functions

Virtual functions are marqued [v].

Static functions are marqued [S].


Function Description
Matrix Constructor. Can accept a size (rows , columns or same for both) , a std::vector<std::vector<T>> or a std::vector<T> and a size to construct a Matrix.


Function Description Notes
size Returns the size of the matrix, as const std::vector<uint64_t>.
columns Returns the number of columns of the matrix.
rows Returns the number of rows of the matrix.
lines Alias for 'rows'.
device Returns the device on which the operations involving the matrix will be made.
elements Returns the total number of elements in the matrix.
clear Clears all the element in the matrix, and sets its size to (0 ; 0). WARNING : MEMORY IS NOT FREED.
delete_all Calls 'delete' on every element, and sets the matrix size to (0 ; 0). Only available when T is dynamically allocated.

Information about the matrix shape:

Function Description
is_row Returns true if the matrix is row, false otherwise.
is_line Alias for 'is_row'.
is_column Returns true if the matrix is a column, false otherwise.
is_square Returns true if the matrix is square, false otherwise.
is_invertible Returns true if the matrix is invertible, false otherwise.
empty Returns true if the matrix is empty, false otherwise.

Access to the matrix' contents:

Function Description
at Returns the element at the index specified in argument. It is passed by reference when the matrix is non-const. Linear indexes can be used.
row_at Returns the row at the specified index. It is passed by reference when the matrix is non-const.
line_at Alias for 'row_at'.
column_at Returns the column at the specified index. It is always passed by value.


Function Description Notes
replace Replaces the element, the row or the column specified in argument by the value in last argument. WARNING ! If T is dynamically allocated, memory IS NOT freed.
replace_row Replaces a row by the one specified in argument. WARNING ! If T is dynamically allocated, memory IS NOT freed.
replace_line Alias for 'replace_row'. WARNING ! If T is dynamically allocated, memory IS NOT freed.
replace_column Replaces a column by the one specified in argument. WARNING ! If T is dynamically allocated, memory IS NOT freed.

Appending to the matrix:

Function Description
add Adds either a line or a column from a vector at the end of the matrix.
add_row Convenience function to add a row at the end of the matrix.
add_line Alias for 'add_row'.
add_column Convenience function to add a column at the end of the matrix.
push_back Alias for 'add'.
push_back_row Alias for 'add_row'.
push_back_line Alias for 'add_line'.
push_back_column Alias for 'add_column'.

Removing from the matrix:

Function Description Notes
remove Removes either a line or a column at the position specified. WARNING ! If T is dynamically allocated, memory IS NOT freed.
remove_row Convenience function to remove a row at a specified position. WARNING ! If T is dynamically allocated, memory IS NOT freed.
remove_line Alias for 'remove_row'. WARNING ! If T is dynamically allocated, memory IS NOT freed.
remove_column Convenience function to remove a column at a specified position. WARNING ! If T is dynamically allocated, memory IS NOT freed.
cut Removes the rows or columns specified. WARNING ! If T is dynamically allocated, memory IS NOT freed.
cut_rows Convenience function to remove the specified rows. WARNING ! If T is dynamically allocated, memory IS NOT freed.
cut_lines Alias for 'cut_rows'. WARNING ! If T is dynamically allocated, memory IS NOT freed.
cut_columns Convenience function to remove the specified columns. WARNING ! If T is dynamically allocated, memory IS NOT freed.


Function Description
insert Inserts either a line or a column at the position specified.
insert_row Convenience function to insert a line at a specified position.
insert_line Alias for 'insert_row'.
insert column Convenience function to insert a column at a specified position.

Swaping elements:

Function Description
swap Swaps two lines or two columns at the positions specified.
swap_row Convenience function to swap two rows at a specified positions.
swap_line Alias for 'swap_row'.
swap_column Convenience function to swap two columns at a specified positions.


Function Description
reshape Changes the matrix size to the one specified in argument. Throws an exception if the total number of elements in the new size does not match the current one.

Converting the matrix to STL vectors:

Function Description
[v] to_vector_2D Converts the matrix to std::vector<std::vector<T>>.
to_vector_1D Converts the matrix to std::vector<T>& or const std::vector<T>& depending on the context.

Printing the matrix:

Function Description
[v] print Prints the contents of the matrix in the specified std::ostream. If not specified, it prints it in std::cout.
[v] print_size Prints the size of the matrix in the specified std::ostream. If not specified, it prints it in std::cout.

Iterator-like functions:

Function Description
[v] begin_row Convenience function that returns 0, to provide syntax as close as the one relative to std::algorithm as possible.
begin_line Alias for 'begin_row'.
[v] begin_column Convenience function that returns 0, to provide syntax as close as the one relative to std::algorithm as possible.
[v] end_row Convenience function that returns the number of lines, to provide syntax as close as the one relative to std::algorithm as possible.
end_line Alias for 'end_row'.
[v] end_column Convenience function that returns the number of columns, to provide syntax as close as the one relative to std::algorithm as possible.

std::algorithm-like functions:

Function Description Notes
for_each Analog to std::for_each. Applies the function in argument to every element in the matrix. WIP : Possibility to apply on a specific part of the matrix.
transform Analog to std::transform. Applies the function in argument to every element in the matrix and modifies them according to its return value. WIP : Possibility to apply on a specific part of the matrix.

Sum, maximum, minimum, average:

Function Description
[v] sum Returns the sum of all elements of the matrix, as T (meaning that overflow may occur).
[v] mean Returns the mean value of all elements of the matrix, as T (meaning that rounding error and overflow may occur). It is computed as sum() * (1./(rows()*columns())).
average Alias for mean().
[v] max Returns the maximum element (according to std::max_element) of the matrix.
[v] min Returns the minimum element (according to std::min_element) of the matrix.

Matrix-algebra related functions:

Function Description
trace Returns the trace of the matrix, computed as T (meaning that rounding error and overflow may occur). Throws an exception (std::invalid_argument) if the matrix is not square.
[v] det Returns the determinant of the matrix. Throws an exception (std::invalid_argument) is the matrix is not square.
cofactor Returns the cofactor of the specified line and column or linear index. Throws an exception if one of them is outside the matrix.
comatrix Returns the cofactor matrix. Convenience function that returns cofactormatrix().
cofactormatrix Returns the cofactor matrix.
transpose Returns the transpose of the matrix.
self_transpose Transposes current the matrix and returns a reference to it.
inv Returns the inverse of the matrix as computed by operator!.
inverse Returns the inverse of the matrix as computed by operator!.
[S] invert Returns the inverse of the matrix as computed by operator!.
[S] hadamard Returns the Hadamard product of two matrices. Throws an exception if the sizes do not match.
element_wise Convenience function that returns the Hadamard product of two matrices. Calls hadamard.

Matrix creation:

Function Description
fill Resizes the matrix as specified in argument and fills it with the value chosen.
[S] zeroes Returns a matrix of the specified dimensions and filled with T(0).
[S] ones Returns a matrix of the specified dimensions and filled with T(1).
[S] eye Returns the identity matrix of the size specified in argument.
[S] randn Creates a matrix of normally distributed numbers.
[S] uniform Creates a matrix of uniformally distributed real numbers.
[S] uniform_int Creates a matrix of uniformally distributed integers.
[S] rand Alias for 'uniform'. Creates a matrix of uniformally distributed numbers.


Function Description
operator= Assignment operator. Supports assignments from std::vector<std::vector<T>> and from other Matrix.
operator+ Computes the addition of a Matrix with another (term by term). Also supports the addition of value in T. In that case, it is the same as adding a Matrix of the same size holding only the same value.
operator+= Adds arg to all the elements of the Matrix, and returns a reference to it.
[v] operator* Computes the usual matrix product of two matrices or multiplies term by term by the T speficied.
[v] operator*= Multiplies the matrix by the argument using the usual matrux product definition (or term by term if the argument is a T), and returns a reference to it.
operator- Computes the substraction of two Matrix or substacts the T argument to all elements.
operator-= Computes the term by term difference of the matrix and the argument, or substracts the T in argument to all elements. Returns a reference to the current object.
[v] operator! Returns the inverse of the matrix.
[v] operator^ Returns the matrix two the power specifed after the ^ (ex: a^2 returns a*a).
[v] operator^= Raises the matrix to the specified power, and returns a reference to it.
[v] operator== Equality operator. Returns true only if both matrixes are of the same size, if all elements are identical and the same position.
[v] operator!= Returns the opposite of the result given by operator==.

Other non-member functions:

Function Description Notes
operator<< Prints the matrix to the specified std::ostream.
for_each Analog to std::for_each. Applies the function in argument to every element in the matrix. WIP : Possibility to apply on a specific part of the matrix.
transform Analog to std::transform. Applies the function in argument to every element in the matrix and modifies them according to its return value. WIP : Possibility to apply on a specific part of the matrix.

Using the GPU

To use the GPU for the calculations, you must #define STE_MATRIX_ALLOW_GPU first. Then, you only need to specify on which device (CPU or GPU) the calculations involving a matrix will be made. Example:

ste::IMatrix mat(28 , 28 , 0 , ste::EXE::CPU); //Calculations involving 'mat' will be made using the CPU unless it involves a matrix that requires to use the GPU.
const ste::FMatrix mat2(300 , 300 , 128.1f , ste::EXE::GPU); //ALL calculations involving 'mat2' will be made using the GPU.

It is possible to change the execution policy during runtime :

ste::FMatrix mat2(300 , 300 , 128.1f , ste::EXE::GPU); //ALL calculations involving 'mat2' will be made using the GPU.

//Do stuff here

mat2.device() = ste::EXE::CPU; //Now computations involving this matrix will be made using the CPU, except the ones involving a matrix with GPU execution policy.

//Do stuff here

mat2.device() = ste::EXE::GPU; //Analog to above, but the other way.


On Windows, compiling CUDA requires you to : > Have it installed on your computer. > Use the Microsoft compiler (MSCV).

See /documentation for more details on how to use a CUDA-compatible GPU.

A sample of a Qt .pro file is available in the 'qmake' folder.

Upcoming features:

  • Determinant calculated on GPU.
  • Faster cofactormatrix.
  • Transpose determined on GPU.
  • Invert determined on GPU.


Developer / Tester : DUHAMEL Erwan (erwanduhamel@outlook.com)

Tester : SOUDIER Jean (jean.soudier@insa-strasbourg.fr)