A one piece amateur api for use my OnePieceAndroid project.
- This project developed with %100 with Node.JS/li>
- Used MongoDB as database
Character |
Field Name |
Type |
_id |
ObjectID |
characterName |
ObjectID |
characterStatus |
String |
characterCrew |
ObjectID |
characterOrigin |
ObjectID |
characterOccupation |
ObjectID |
characterBounty |
Number |
characterDevilFruit |
ObjectID |
characterAbilities |
String |
characterPictureURL |
String |
Crew |
Field Name |
Type |
_id |
ObjectID |
crewName |
String |
crewTotalBounty |
Number |
crewMainShip |
String |
crewFlagURL |
String |
Devil Fruit |
Field Name |
Type |
_id |
ObjectID |
devilFruitName |
String |
devilFruitType |
String |
devilFruitPictureURL |
String |
Locations |
Field Name |
Type |
_id |
ObjectID |
locationName |
String |
locationPictureURL |
String |
Occupations |
Field Name |
Type |
_id |
ObjectID |
occupationName |
String |
occupationDescription |
String |
occupationPictureURL |
String |
SubLocation |
Field Name |
Type |
_id |
ObjectID |
subLocationName |
String |
subLocationPictureURL |
String |
firstAppearance |
String |
location |
ObjectID |
I may have mistakes, you can contact me for your feedback. 👉 📫 eren.mollaoglu@outlook.com