
A simple client that consumes tvmaze open API

Primary LanguageVue

What is this?

In the homepage we face a list of tv shows from TVMaze. The best API I found for this is /shows which sadly doesn't give us total count or total pages. Because of that I set it to 10.

Each show has it's dedicated page located under /show/:id. This a the detail page and contains additional info about the show.

You can visit the search page via clicking the search icon (of course :))).

Key Features

  • I tried to use modern syntax, features and tools:
    • CSS Nesting pollyfilled with postcss.
    • Vue SFC's script setup
    • Vue experimental Suspense and top level await
    • Modern front-end tooling: Vite, Vitest, TailwindCSS, TypeScript, Testing Library
  • Search query is synced with query and it will be debounced.
  • Pages other than index will be lazy loaded on demand.
  • Leverages semantic markup and accessibility hints
  • Dark Mode Support
  • Mobile Friendly
  • Minimal UI Design

I gathered a couple of svg icons to improve the terrible ui a little bit.


In this project I've used vitest, testing library and jest-dom for testing.

Sadly i didn't have time to add more test suits.

Project Setup

You can use npm or yarn for following commands.

pnpm install

Compile and Hot-Reload for Development

pnpm dev

Type-Check, Compile and Minify for Production

pnpm build

Run Unit Tests with Vitest

pnpm test:unit

Lint with ESLint

pnpm lint