
This project is about simulating the Rat Utopia experiment based on Artificial Life, Swarm Intelligence (Population Algorithms), Mult-Agent Autonomous Systems and Individual-Based Models, as to examine the effects of overpopulation in Behavioral Sink ("Spiritual Death")

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This project is about simulating the Rat Utopia experiment based on Artificial Life, Swarm Intelligence (Population Algorithms), Mult-Agent Autonomous Systems and Individual-Based Models, as to examine the effects of overpopulation in Behavioral Sink ("Spiritual Death")

Reference: Craig Reynolds, John Conway, Keith Still...etc

Social Complexity, Dunbar Number, Hundredth Monkey effect, Memetic Hyperdiffusivity (Memetic Diffusion rate Bifurcation and Catastrophe or Singularity in the Topological Structure of the social state space or space of solutions -> Kolmogorov 0-1 law, Sequential Compactness, Bolzano-Weierstrass theorem and Weierstrass theorem), Cultural Globalization and Overpopulation Madisonian catastrophe, Metastability of Democracy and Revolt of the Public and Overpopulation (Populism and Demagogy) -> Thermodynamics of Polarization and Democracy (Spin Polarization and Ising Model)