
Rails 3.2.17 or 4.0.3 enterprise startup site based on Bootstrap 2.3 or 3

Primary LanguageRuby

Welcome to use Bootstrap Rails Startup Site

I created this startup site focus on the general enterprise internal website, which frontend code seldom to change, but logic/model changed frequently. I’m using Windows when develop rails, but I found most of the gems about Bootstrap theme need therubyracer Gems, so can not used if you develop Rails under Windows. So here is my solution :-)

The job which already do for you

  1. using Sass based Bootstrap 3 template

  2. using ruby.taobao.org in Gemfile

  3. add win32console for more beautiful out in Windows

  4. config.assets.debug = false in config/environments/development.rb to focus function at first

  5. add developer document reference

  6. default Sublime Text project

The job after you clone this site

  1. bundle install

  2. rake assets:precompile (this will give you very clean log out windows, but it’s optional, if you meet error, probably, you put the site to C driver instead of D or others)

  3. rails server