
:memo: A curated list of awesome applications, softwares, tools and shiny things for OS X.

Awesome OS X Awesome

A curated list of awesome applications, softwares, tools and shiny things for OS X.

Items marked with Open-Source Software are open-source software.

Table of Contents


Chat Clients


  • Base 2 - A GUI for managing SQLite databases.
  • Cakebrew - The Homebrew GUI App. Open-Source Software
  • Color-Picker-Pro - A Color Detection Tool. Open-Source Software
  • Dash - An API Documentation Browser and Code Snippet Manager.
  • Github Desktop - A GUI for using Github.
  • Gitup - A simple but powerful Git OS X app. Open-Source Software
  • Hosts - Edit hosts file.
  • ImageOptim - Makes images take up less disk space and load faster. Open-Source Software
  • Paw - The ultimate REST client.
  • PSequel - A PostgreSQL GUI tool.
  • Sequel Pro - A MySQL database manager.
  • SourceTree - A free Git & Mercurial client.
  • Tower - The most powerful Git client.
  • Unused - An app for checking Xcode projects for unused resources. Open-Source Software
  • WWDC - The WWDC app. Open-Source Software
  • Zsh - A powerful command line shell. Open-Source Software


  • Atom - The hackable text editor. Open-Source Software
  • Brackets - A modern text editor that understands web design. Open-Source Software
  • Light Table - A customizable editor with REPL support for Clojure, JavaScript, Python and others. Open-Source Software
  • Macvim - Vim, the text editor. Open-Source Software
  • Sublime Text 3 - The sophisticated text editor.
  • Textmate - A graphical text editor. Open-Source Software
  • VimR - Vim, refined. Open-Source Software
  • Visual Studio Code - Build and debug modern web and cloud applications.


  • ForkLift2 - File Manager and FTP/SFTP/WebDAV/Amazon S3 client
  • Path Finder - A powerful dual-pane browser alternative to Finder.
  • TotalFinder - A powerful alternative to Finder.
  • XtraFinder - Adds useful features to Finder.


  • OpenEmu - Multiple Video Game System. Open-Source Software
  • Screentendo - Turn your screen into a playable level of Mario. Open-Source Software
  • stockfish-mac - Beautiful, powerful chess application. Open-Source Software


  • Alfred - Boosts your efficiency and productivity.
  • Amethyst - Window manager (automatically keep windows sized in grids). Open-Source Software
  • Better Touch Tool - Configure gestures for mouse and actions for keyboard shortcuts.
  • ClipMenu - ClipBoard History Manager. Open-Source Software
  • CloudClip - Sync your clipboard between your Mac and your iOS devices.
  • Divvy Window Manager - Window management for tiling your windows.
  • F.lux - Automatically adjust your computer screen to match lighting.
  • HyperDock - Select individual application window.
  • Karabiner - A powerful keyboard customizer. Open-Source Software
  • Quicksilver - Control your Mac quickly and elegantly. Open-Source Software
  • Spectacle - Easily organize windows without using a mouse. Open-Source Software
  • TextExpander - Create custom keyboard shortcuts for frequently-used text and pictures.
  • Zooom/2 - Mac window management.

Sharing files

  • Cloudapp - Capture and share files and screenshots instantly.
  • Mac2Imgur - Upload images and screenshots to Imgur. Open-Source Software



  • 1Password - Password Manager and Secure Wallet.
  • Amphetamine - Prevents OS X from automatically going to sleep, with lots of configurations.
  • AnyBar - A menubar status indicator. Open-Source Software
  • AppCleaner - Uninstall your apps easily.
  • Bartender - Organize your menu bar apps.
  • DaisyDisk - Analyze disk usage and free up disk space.
  • Finicky - App that allows you to set rules that decide which browser is opened for every link. Open-Source Software
  • Helium - A floating browser window that allows you to watch media while you work. Open-Source Software
  • iStat Menus - An advanced system monitor for your menubar.
  • Kawa - A better input source switcher with shortcuts. Open-Source Software
  • Keka - Compress to and extract from many archive file formats. Open-Source Software
  • MacDown - Markdown editor. Open-Source Software
  • Mackup - Keep your application settings in sync. Open-Source Software
  • Monodraw - A powerful ASCII art editor.
  • Numi - Beautiful calculator app.
  • Subtitles - Automatically downloads subtitles for your movies and TV shows.
  • Teamviewer - Remotely control another computer.
  • TheUnarchiver - Unarchive many different kinds of archive files. Open-Source Software


  • Catch - The easiest way to use ShowRSS. Open-Source Software
  • gInbox - gInbox is a wrapper made for Mac around Inbox by Gmail. Open-Source Software
  • Hacky - Hacky provides browsing Hacker News in a clean and minimalistic way. Open-Source Software
  • mpv - Media player. Open-Source Software
  • Sonora - A minimal, beautifully designed music player. Open-Source Software
  • soundcleod - A browser for SoundCloud. Open-Source Software
  • Transmit - A FTP client.
  • vienna-rss - RSS/Atom newsreader. Open-Source Software

OS X Utilities


OS X 10.9 Mavericks Setup

OS X 10.10 Yosemite Setup




Discussion Forums


Apple Support Communities

IRC channels


OS X Yosemite



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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.