Gopherwood is an embedded persistent caching library with infinite space by leveraging object storage. It provides unified filesystem APIs for local caching files and supports offloading data to Object Store Service transparently when caching size exceeded the local disk volume. A block-based metadata system is designed to support infinite caching space, multi-process accessing, data persistent and caching recovery.
The project is created to help on-premise system easily transform to cloud-oriented system. Using object
store service will help solve the data high availability issues and lower the disk cost by configuring a
minimum local disk quota.
See the github wiki for detailed documentations, developer guides and FAQs.
To build Gopherwood, the following libraries are needed.
cmake (2.8+)
boost (tested on 1.53+)
To run tests, the following libraries are needed.
gtest (tested on 1.7.0) already integrated in the source code
gmock (tested on 1.7.0) already integrated in the source code
To run code coverage test, the following tools are needed.
gcov (included in gcc distribution)
lcov (tested on 1.9)
mkdir build
cd build
Run command "../bootstrap --help" for more configuration.
make install
To do unit test, run command
make unittest
To do function test, run command
make functiontest