
Allows you to give roles based on how many invites your members have in Discord. Uses Nextcord, an actively maintained fork of discord.py. Should work out of the box assuming you have pip and stuff configured correctly.

Primary LanguagePython

In order to use this, you need to setup the config first.

Example on how to use:


"token" : "2323", -- This line is where you set your bot's token, easy enough I would say

"1" : 1221212121321, -- the role "1221212121321" will be assigned if the user obtaines 1 invite

"5" : 2834734623625, -- the role "2834734623625" will be assigned if the user obtaines 5 invites

"10": 8273232323232 -- the role "2834734623625" will be assigned if the user obtaines 10 invites


Keep in mind that you must chose your role based on the ID. You must go to Server Settings -> Roles -> Click on ... -> Copy ID. You then paste that into the config.json file