
Calculate species richness functions for rarefaction and extrapolation

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sprex is a package for calculating species richness for rarefaction and extrapolation. It contains functions for calculating non-parametric species richness such as jackknife, Chao1, and ACE. Also available are functions for plotting species richness and extrapolation curves, and standard diversity and entropy indices.


To install the stable version from CRAN:


To install the latest version from GitHub:

# make sure you have devtools installed
if (!require('devtools')) install.packages('devtools')

# install from GitHub


version 1.4.2 (devel)

  • removed plot.discovery.curve()
  • redesigned discovery.curve() to return data frame defining curve and plotting curve if selected.
  • added diversity() to compute diversity and entropy indices

version 1.4.1 (on CRAN)

  • added pct.range argument to clench function to specify minimum and maximum percentages of sample sizes
  • changed argument m in expected.num.species function to accept vectors and return a matrix