
This Streamlit-powered WebApp counts the nucleotide composition of DNA sequences.

Primary LanguagePython


This Streamlit-powered WebApp counts the nucleotide composition of DNA sequences.


in genetics, analyzing the nucleotide composition of a DNA sequence can help determine the presence of mutations, which can be linked to various genetic disorders. In bioinformatics, identifying the nucleotide composition of a DNA sequence is important for a range of applications, such as genome assembly, sequence alignment, and gene prediction.

This WebApp counts the nucleotide composition of DNA sequences which is a hugely useful tool for researchers, scientists, and students who work with DNA sequences. It can help them quickly and easily analyze the nucleotide composition of a given DNA sequence, without having to perform the calculations manually. This can save time and reduce the risk of errors, ultimately helping to advance research in various fields. This app reduces time spent by about 1000%-ish taking manual counting in context.

Getting Started;

  1. After pyhon is installed, run 'pip install streamlit'
  2. When installation is completed, run the program with 'streamlit run dnaApp.py'
