
Work Day Scheduler Main Screen

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Link to Github repository


Go to Github and download


The following code quiz would create a day plan scheduler. It displays the current date and then any saved descriptions from local storage.

The user can add a description to each textbox for the hour and click the save button at the right to save that hour's entry.


Added in a reset button that appears on the bottom of the page. When the user clicks on it, it resets all the text inputs back to nothing and clears the stored data.

    $(".resetBtn").on("click", reset);

    function reset() {
        descriptionArray = {};
        localStorage.setItem("description", JSON.stringify(descriptionArray));
        for (var hourCount = 9; hourCount < 18; hourCount++) {
            var descriptiongrabEl = $("#hour-" + hourCount + " textarea");


Collaborated with Elijah Davis and Brandon Craig