You Made the List (YMtL) - Remember the Milk clone



App Demo

At A Glance

YMtL is a full stack web application that allows logged in users to:

  • Create a task
  • Edit a created task only by the posting user
  • Delete a created task only by the posting user
  • View tasks by due date
  • Create a list of tasks
  • Edit a list of tasks only by the posting user
  • Delete a list of tasks only by the posting user
  • View a list of tasks by topic
  • View a summary list of task by total tasks, due tasks, and completed tasks
  • Search tasks by keyword

Application Architecture

YMtL is built with Flask backend and React frontend. Postgres is also used as a database.

Frontend Technologies Used

YMtL uses React to generate the HTML elements, and then we use CSS to handling the styling of those elements.

  • Javascript
  • React
  • Redux
  • CSS

Backend Technologies Used

We used a Flask server to handle the backend communication. We used PostgreSQL for our database and manipulated the aforementioned with SQLAlchemy.

  • Python
  • Flask
  • SQLAlchemy
  • PostgreSQL

Key Features

User Authorization

User authorization is handled using Flask password hashing. When users log in, the password they provide is rehashed and checked against the original password. Log In Page Splash Page


An authorized user can create a task under a list that can then be seen by any logged in user. Only the authorized user may then edit or delete the created task. Tasks

Search Tasks

A user can search tasks by keyword in the search bar. The search will generate tasks found by keyword. Search Tasks

List Summary

A user can view lists by topic . A user can click on a list that will generate the tasks within that list. A list summary will generate an indication of tasks within that list, tasks due, and tasks completed. List Summary


An authorized user may create a list. Only the authorized user can then edit or delete a list. Lists

Conclusion and Next Steps

We are happy with the functionality and the styling. However, we would have like to implement the two bonus features of subtasks and an autocomplete.