
A Clojure abstraction for working with Pail

Primary LanguageClojureMIT LicenseMIT


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A Clojure interface for Pail that allows for separate definitions of serialization, vertical partitioning, and PailStructure.

It breaks up the PailStructure interface into two separate Clojure protocols (Serializer and VerticalPartitioner) so that serialization and partitioning can be defined separately. Then it defines a macro (gen-structure) to generate a class that implements PailStructure by composing the two protocols.


Add clj-pail to your project's dependencies. If you're using Leiningen, your project.clj should look something like this:

(defproject ...
  :dependencies [[clj-pail VERSION]])

Where VERSION is the latest version on Clojars.

Defining a PailStructure

You can generate classes that implement the PailStructure interface with the gen-structure macro from the clj-pail.structure namespace. The PailStructure interface is used by Pail to serialize, deserialize, and keep organized your data.

(ns ...
  (:require [clj-pail.structure :as s]))

(s/gen-structure com.example.pail.DefaultPailStructure)

gen-structure uses gen-class under the hood. So any namespace that uses gen-structure needs to be AOT-compiled. In Leiningen, add your namespace to the :aot key in project.clj:

(defproject ...
  :aot [myproj.ns.that.uses.clj-pail.structure])


By default, a PailStructure class generated with gen-structure will do nothing. It will be defined to handle byte[]; serialization and deserialization will do nothing (because your data is already a byte array); and no vertical partitioning will be defined.

These behaviors can be specified with options to gen-structure:

(s/gen-structure com.example.pail.CustomPailStructure
                 :type java.util.Date
                 :serializer (CustomDateSerializer. (java.text.DateFormat/getDateTimeInstance))
                 :partitioner (DailyDatePartitioner.)
                 :prefix "date-")

This example defines a PailStructure which serializes Date objects with a custom serializer and partitioner (explained below). :prefix can be set (as in gen-class) to avoid name collisions when defining multiple structures in the same namespace.


Serialization is defined by extending the clj-pail.serializer.Serializer protocol.

(ns ...
  (:require [clj-pail.serializer :as s]))

; For illustrative purposes only. Please don't serialize your dates this way.
(defrecord CustomDateSerializer [#^java.text.DateFormat format]
  (serialize [this date]
    (.. (:format this)
      (format date)

  (deserialize [this buffer]
    (.parse (:format this)
            (String. buffer))))

Vertical Partitioning

Vertical partitioning is defined by extending the clj-pail.partitioner.VerticalPartitioner protocol.

(ns ...
  (:require [clj-pail.partitioner :as p]))

; For illustrative purposes only. This would be a very inefficient way to partition dates.
(defrecord DailyDatePartitioner []
  (make-partition [this date]
    (vector ; must return a list
      (quot (.getTime date)
            (* 24 60 60 1000))))

  (validate [this dirs]
        (Long/parseLong (first dirs))
        [true (rest dirs)])
      (catch NumberFormatException e
        [false (rest dirs)]))))


Copyright © 2013 David Cuddeback

Distributed under the MIT License.