
xmonad configuration for starter

Primary LanguageHaskell

XMonad Starter Kit


M- for Super/Win, S- for Shift, C- for Control.

  • Panel for multiple displays. Desktop info is only shown on current screen.

  • Dynamic workspace creation

    • M-n: jump to create new workspace. S-<Enter> to force creating new window.
    • M-S-n: move window to select workspace, S-<Enter> to force creating new window.
    • M-C-S-n: rename workspace
    • M-C-S-<Backspace>: delete current workspace if it is empty
  • Shortcuts help extracted from source: M-c h

  • Urgency window notification through libnotify

  • Switch workspace and toggle layouts using mouse.

  • Select layout by prompt: M-S-\

  • Multi toggle:

    • M-f: toggle fullscreen
    • M-<Escape>: toggle fullscreen, where hide panel in fullscreen.
    • M-d: zoom in active window
    • M-s: Make master window as sidebar. M-S-: can promote a window as master window.
  • Carefully configured layouts:

    • cols: number of windows in each column can be changed using M-C-[ and M-C-].
    • two: Only show two windows. M-a and M-S-a are useful in this layout.
    • rows: Like cols but arrange windows into rows
    • tab: Like fullscreen but with a tab bar showing window names.
    • grid
    • big: the master window occupy most space.
  • M-g, M-b switch window using fuzzy matching


  • See prerequisites and optional tools below. For Arch Linuxer:

    yaourt -S ghc xmonad xmonad-contrib \
      zsh dzen2-xft-xpm-xinerama-svn dmenu-xft \
      rxvt-unicode pcmanfm-mod scrot nitrogen \
      xscreensaver gmrun xdotool wmctrl \
      gsimplecal gpicker \
      wqy-microhei-nightly_build \
      trayer libnotify
  • Add path to bin to PATH.

  • Copy or link xmonad.hs to ~/.xmonad/xmonad.hs.

For startx and slim, copy or link following files to home directory (backup your own first):

_xinitrc -> ~/.xinitrc
_xsession -> ~/.xsession
_xsessionrc -> ~/.xsessionrc
  • See _xsessionrc about how to setup multiple displays using xrandr.
  • Add auto start applications in bin/xmonad.autostart, such as starting trayer.

TODO: How to start session in other session manager? I'm not sure whether ~/.xsession really works for xdm/gdm/kdm.



ghc, and xmonad-0.10 xmonad-contrib-0.10

In Arch Linux:

yaourt -S ghc xmonad xmonad-contrib

Or install using cabal:

yaourt -S cabal
cabal install xmonad xmonad-contrib

Cabal install packages into ~/.cabal, add ~/.cabal/bin to PATH.



Install latest zsh (mine is 4.3.17). Panel is written in zsh using zselect.


Must enable xft, xpm and xinerama. in Arch Linux, just install from aur:

yaourt -S dzen2-xft-xpm-xinerama-svn

Other system can compile from svn truck http://dzen.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/ Edit config.mk enable Option 7.


Version 4.5 with xft patch. Arch Linuxer can install dmenu-xft.

yaourt -S dmenu-xft

Or compile source after applying dmenu-4.5-xft.diff

Optional Tools

  • urxvt: terminal, update myTerminal and myTerminalClass in xmonad.hs to use other terminals.

  • libnotify: urgency notification

  • pcmanfm: lightweight file browser, Arch can install pcmanfm-mod:

    yaourt -S pcmanfm-mod
  • scrot: snapshot of whole screen M-<PrintScreen>, snapshot of selection: M-C-<PrintScreen>.

  • nitrogen: set desktop background image.

  • xscreensaver: screen saver

  • gmrun: Launcher for M-<Enter>.

  • xdotool: switch layouts using mouse

  • wmctrl: switch layouts using mouse

  • gsimplecal: calendar widget

  • gpicker: goto/bring window

  • font WenQuanYi MicroHei (for Chinese), or replace myFont and myMonoFont in xmonad.hs.

  • trayer: trayer for daemon icons