A simple app to check if an oven is on or off. The long term intention is to see if it would be useful for partially sighted people.
A neural network is trained using pytorch and the network is presented as a Flask app.
The neural network is specific to a single oven
I have deployed the application on heroku.
The project has been developed for me to learn some new programming skills:
- using neural networks
- Flask web server
- javascript and DOM programming
- RESTFUL web design
- css and html5
- deployment to a commercial web service, Heroku, AWS, Azure...
There are plenty of things still to do.
- improve the look of the app on tablets and phone using css
- employ speech to text so that the user can start and control the app with their voice
- improve the model to recognise when it is looking at the oven or not and then check the on off status
- improve the model to be general for more than one make of oven att a time
- allow a user to load images of their own oven in on off position so that a new model can be trained and added to the system
- add technical documentation so that others can deploy it to Heroku and train a model.
- add documentation
- FLASK_ENV=development FLASK_APP=app.py flask run
- heroku login
- git push heroku master
- heroku local
- heroku logs --tail