Developer with over a decade of professional experience primarily in .Net, Mobile, and Web Technologies. Now helping others learn to do the same.
PluralsightOrlando, FL
EricJFisher's Following
- AarononthewebPetabridge, LLC
- alyssamichelle@KendoUI
- benaadams@IllyriadGames
- BethMassiMicrosoft
- csharpfritzMicrosoft
- desinoleSanford, FL
- evelinagGen
- haneytronImperative Bytes, LLC
- JamesNKMicrosoft
- joelmartinezMicrosoft
-, LLC
- julielermanThe Data Farm
- JunTaoLuoAgile 6
- KittyGiraudelCofenster
- nattressMicrosoft
- noopkat
- ravelantunesDisney
- satyanadella@Microsoft
- sergiocruzNashville, TN
- spboyerUnited States
- ToxicBakeryLas Vegas, NV