Pinned Repositories
COLMAP - Structure-from-Motion and Multi-View Stereo
Github Pages template for academic personal websites, forked from mmistakes/minimal-mistakes
C++ program that implements various graph algorithms on open flights data set that contains 67,000+ routes between airports across the globe to create visualizations that provide paths abiding to user inpu
Python notebook with an Android app implementation that employs a series of image processing and machine learning techniques such as Canny edge detection, bilinear interpolation, PCA, and mutli-layer perception to efficiently detect, bound, and classify handwritten digits anywhere within an image
Python program that scrapes the text from top sites of a query based search and then feeds it through an implemented named entity recognition algorithm to rank the top entities detected
Metric depth estimation from a single image
EricJi150's Repositories
Github Pages template for academic personal websites, forked from mmistakes/minimal-mistakes
C++ program that implements various graph algorithms on open flights data set that contains 67,000+ routes between airports across the globe to create visualizations that provide paths abiding to user inpu
Python notebook with an Android app implementation that employs a series of image processing and machine learning techniques such as Canny edge detection, bilinear interpolation, PCA, and mutli-layer perception to efficiently detect, bound, and classify handwritten digits anywhere within an image
Python program that scrapes the text from top sites of a query based search and then feeds it through an implemented named entity recognition algorithm to rank the top entities detected